Home Personal Development 30 Easy Mindfulness Practices to Help You Focus & Be Present

30 Easy Mindfulness Practices to Help You Focus & Be Present

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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“This moment is filled with joy and happiness.Thich Nhất Hạnh, Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Have you ever felt too busy to meditate?

You see the benefits and you really want to commit to it. But you are a busy person. Deadlines have to be met, meals have to be prepared, bills have to be paid, children have to be raised, family has to be called.

we were all there. I certainly have

I struggled with concentration for years before I found mindfulness. It only got worse when I left home to travel the world, earning my living as a freelance writer.

Suddenly I was on the other side of the world. I no longer have family or friends.

I should have been looking forward to the next exciting meal, going out and meeting interesting new people, or simply admiring the sights and sounds of an unfamiliar city. , I was stuck in a constant state of work-related anxiety.

As the stress continued to pile up, I felt the discomfort of wasting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was never fully committed to either work or play, and as a result I was never able to appreciate either.

I knew something had to be done.

So I tried to throw myself into meditation. But I couldn’t keep it up. I did it for a couple of days in a row, skipped a day, two days, a week, and then suddenly stopped.

Then I read about mindfulness. I found that I didn’t need to spend time practicing.

I was always attentive and was able to fit it into my normal daily activities. A moment here, a moment there, and surprisingly quickly it became a habit. I feel calmer and more focused, and my mental health has improved.

And what happened next was a shock.

One morning a few months later, I sat and meditated. He set the alarm for 20 minutes, concentrated on his breathing, and continued until the alarm went off. But it wasn’t. It was much easier than I remembered.

It felt normal—even natural. So I did the same thing the next day and the next until I meditated every day for a month. A small daily practice of mindfulness turned out to be the perfect stepping stone to longer meditation sessions.

A few months later, a friend of mine was struggling with work just like I was. I wanted to know how I could help, so I emailed him a list of all the ways I have tried to bring mindfulness into my life. is.

I hope they make as much a difference in your life as they have in mine.

How to use these practices to develop a laser-sharp focus

Think of each situation as a trigger to return to the present moment. You don’t have to start with them all. In fact, to practice he starts by choosing three or four. Then add one more each week until you can incorporate it all into your life.

1. Wake up.

As soon as you wake up, take three deep breaths before getting out of bed. This has the double benefit of calming the mind and giving the brain oxygen to get out of bed.

2. Get out of bed.

Not all of us have time for yoga. But we have time to stretch. When you first stand, take a deep breath and stretch your hands toward the ceiling as high as possible, fingers pointing straight up. Then exhale and relax, lean forward, and try to touch your toes. Focus on the feeling of breathing and stretching.

3. Bed making.

Making your bed first thing in the morning is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. Be sure to fully engage in the activity with all your attention on folding the seat.

4. Shower.

When you shower, just feel the water on your skin for a minute or two. Notice the temperature, pressure and sound of the drop.

5. Change clothes.

Many people change clothes in a hurry, but when changing clothes in the morning, pay attention to the texture, texture, and warmth.

6. Bring the kettle to a boil.

Instead of running around the house and trying to do everything before the kettle boils, sit quietly and listen to the bubbles of the water and the whistle of the kettle.

7. Drink tea or coffee.

When drinking coffee tea, sip it slowly, paying attention to taste, temperature and subtle effects on the body.

8. Brush your teeth.

We all (hopefully) do this. So now is the perfect place to start focusing on the present moment.

9. Listen to music.

Listening to relaxing music before leaving the house in the morning is a great way to focus yourself. Immerse yourself in the song. Pay attention to volume, rhythm, tempo and uniqueness of sound.

10. Write your to-do list by hand.

Whether you do this first thing in the morning or later in the evening, creating a to-do list can help ease anxiety and keep you focused on what you need to get done throughout the day. Plain old pen and paper lets you pay more attention than typing on your phone or computer.

11. Running.

Leave the music at home and pay attention to the sounds around you while you run. You may want to focus on the rhythm of your feet as they hit the ground.

12. Touch your hair.

Next time you find yourself running your hand through your hair, notice how your hand feels. Soft, spiky, curly, wavy?

13. Stop at a red light.

Many of us get angry, nervous, and nervous while driving. Every time you stop at a red light, take a deep breath and relax your jaw, neck, and shoulders.

14. When waiting.

Whenever you are waiting at a meeting, bus stop, meeting, etc., try to relax all the muscles of your face: your jaw, eyebrows, and eyelids.

15. Walking.

As you walk down the street, notice how your feet feel against the ground. Check your breathing. Make sure you’re breathing with your diaphragm, as it’s common to breathe shallowly in public.

16. Hugs and handshakes.

No one likes a cold hug. Make sure that the first person you hug or shake hands with today feels like you paid full attention, not that your mind is somewhere else.

17. Exercise.

At the gym, stay completely focused on whatever exercise you are doing. Feel free to get distracted during breaks, but stay completely focused on the practice throughout the exercise.

18. Lunch.

At lunch, take a bite of your food and chew it slowly. Notice the texture. Crunchy or Soft? Taste; hot, bitter, sweet, or sour? temperature; is it hot, cold, or lukewarm?

19. Talk to someone.

Participate fully in the conversation, make eye contact, and try to listen to what they have to say without thinking about what you want to add next or where it will go later.

20. At your desk.

If you find yourself hunched over while working at your desk, take a deep breath, sit up straight, and relax the muscles in your face, neck, and finally your shoulders.

21. Set phone alarms.

Many see technology as a hindrance to mindfulness, and to some extent that is true. But you can use something like an alarm on your phone to remind you to take a few seconds to bring your awareness back to your breath throughout the day.

22. Chase insects.

yes. It may feel childish, but that’s a good thing. Children live in the present. When you find an insect, forget everything around you and watch it move for a few seconds. Realize that it is a creature just like you.

23. Return home at night.

As you walk through the door of your home or apartment, stop and think about how grateful you are to be home. Whether it’s cold outside, just stepping into the warmth, or returning home to a loved one, there’s always something to be grateful for.

24. Take off your shoes.

I like to take my shoes off after a long day. Pay attention to how your feet feel on the ground, move your toes, and try to feel each one individually.

25. Cooking.

Cooking offers many different ways to be mindful. You can pay attention to your movements, the sounds of the kitchen, the taste of the food being cooked, or the aromas of the different spices being cooked.

26. Watch TV

Many of us work anxiously all day long. If you’re watching TV, try to fully participate in what you’re watching instead of half-heartedly talking to your loved ones or browsing your phone.

27. Vacuum.

Counter-intuitively, this isn’t for everyone. But paying attention to the noise of the vacuum cleaner can help.

28. At dinner.

Think about the ingredients that go into your meals. Where do they come from?For example, in the case of fish, imagine a fisherman catching fish in the ocean, transporting them to the docks, and selling them to local farmers at his market.

29. At least 5 minutes of Do Nothing (DNT).

No need to check your phone. don’t read newspapers Don’t even try to meditate. Just sit there and if you feel uncomfortable, restless, or even guilty of not doing anything, just embrace them. It’s hard to sit still and do nothing because you’re so engrossed in something.

30. Lying in bed.

Before you go to sleep, think about one thing you were grateful for that day, no matter how hard it was. This will prepare your mind positively. helps you sleep better.

As you begin to realize the benefits of these daily practices, you will feel more focused and energized and ready to move on to longer, focused meditation sessions. Let’s take our time.

Do you have experience with some of these practices? Let us know in the comments!

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