Home Health and Fitness Harvard study reveals how many times men should ejaculate each month to stay healthy

Harvard study reveals how many times men should ejaculate each month to stay healthy

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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The study observed the sexual habits of 32,000 men.

A Harvard study pinpointed exactly how many times men should ejaculate each month to stave off certain harmful diseases.

A study published in the journal European Urology shows that high levels of sexual activity may lower the risk of getting prostate cancer.

The study looked at the sexual habits of 32,000 men and concluded that those with a high ejaculation rate were less likely to have prostate tumors.

The authors of this study said: Prevention of prostate cancer. ”

Pinpointing exactly how many times a man should ejaculate each month, a panel of researchers said 21 will protect you from prostate cancer.

In a discussion with Ultimate Health, experts said:

The study found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month had a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer than those who didn’t.

It’s not yet fully understood why this helps the prostate, but scientists speculate that it may flush toxins out of the system.

Of course, ejaculation alone cannot completely save the prostate. Experts say obesity, tobacco, high-fat processed foods, and genetics also contribute to prostate cancer, so eliminate them.

Dr. James Balch believes that a good diet is a positive goal when it comes to protecting the prostate.

“If men want to stay out of the operating room and avoid prostate cancer, they need to do everything in their power to avoid high-fat junk foods and environmental toxins that contribute to prostate problems, and to start a sensible nutrition program. There is a basic supplement that affects the prostate.”

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