Home Personal Development Becoming Minimalist’s Top Posts of 2022

Becoming Minimalist’s Top Posts of 2022

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Thank you Becoming Minimalist for making 2022 such a fun year. It’s been 14 years since he started this blog and I love every moment!

Whether you’re reading all 14 years, the last 14 months, or just the last 14 seconds, I’m glad I’m here.

Becoming Minimalist continues to reach beyond my wildest dreams as we grow in new ways each year. As before, this growth has happened thanks to the support from readers like you. Thank you for helping spread the inspiration.

Thank you for sharing this website on social media and with your friends and family. This website exists because of your support over the years.

Below is a numerical representation of our growth.

  • Becoming Minimalist was read by over 6 million people last year.
  • our facebook page The number of followers has exceeded 2.6 million.
  • Last year, we reached a total of 150 million people on Facebook. This is his 2% of the world population.
  • Currently, 190,000 people have received posts to become minimalists in their emails. SIGN UP HERE do the same.
  • The quarterly magazine has 200,000 subscribers, magazine simplification.
  • 7,599 new well organized course last year.
  • 65 new videos posted Youtube Last year, subscribers increased from 217,000 to 260,000.
  • Currently used by more than 30,000 people clutter-free app to clean up their house.
  • and our Instagram We currently have less than 100,000 followers.

But some of the most significant successes of the past year are not included in the numbers above.

In case you missed it, here are the top articles on how to be a minimalist in 2022.

Most Popular Posts of 2022 (Determined by Readers):

How to make more time and money. What if there was a way you could have more time and money in your life? We have a solution. And it’s available now without (literally) spending a penny.

14 reasons why I kept minimalism for 14 years. Minimalism is a lifestyle that I was instantly drawn to and an approach to life that I still pursue after 14 years.

how i got up early. Not everyone likes to wake up early, but I always did. Here are the exact steps I took.

The Greatest Conversational Advice I’ve Ever ReceivedEveryone wants a friend who cares about them (selfless), who cares (a good listener), who understands the world and their perspective (a learner). Asking questions provides that opportunity.

10 steps to stop living paycheck to paycheckAccording to a recent survey, 7 in 10 Americans live paycheck to paycheck. If that’s you, you’re not alone. But it’s probably not the place you want to stay.

My personal favorite posts from the past year:

Best compliments to say at a funeral. I have so many tributes to say at my funeral. But he has one compliment. Perhaps more than any other compliment, I hope you will mention me.

The difference between busy people and non-busy people. The busy state has become the default state for many of us. But is the country improving our lives? Certainly not.

Owning less is better than thinking about owning less. You will never experience the benefits of owning less by thinking about minimalism.You can only experience them by practicing the principles and actually owning less.

Most Popular Guest Posts in 2022:

Why Minimalism Is Especially Good For Introverts by Erica Layne. Introverts’ brain chemistry lends itself well to minimalism.

What It’s Like to Own Only 134 Items in Charlie Brown’s World. The average American household owns 300,000 possessions. I own his 0.05% of that number.

6 Things We Learned From The Amish About Living Intentionally By Vanetta Chapman. What can we learn about the Amish that can help us in our quest to embrace minimalism? Here are 6 One thing.

100 things I wish I could tell my 18-year-old self about minimalism.

Most popular outgoing links over the past year:

Swedish Lagom Philosophy: All You Need Is ‘Just Right’ | | big sink By Johnny Thomson. “It’s not just about learning to ‘enjoy the simple things’, it’s about understanding that sometimes you can do more with less.”

you have to pay twice for everything | | raptitude By David Kane. One of the economic lessons they should teach in school is that most things we buy have to be paid for twice.

Living a minimalist life: 14 easy ways to easily improve your life | | savvy couple By Brittany Klein. “Once you’ve identified even a few areas in your life where simplicity can greatly benefit, I think it’s time to jump in and start!”

10 choices you’ll regret in 10 years | | Mark and Angel’s Hack Life By Mark Chernov. “If only…” Combining these two words of his makes one of the saddest phrases in the English language.

Most Popular YouTube Videos of 2022:

8 reasons successful people wear the same thing every dayIf you’ve ever wondered why successful people choose to wear the same outfit every day, or if you’re considering adopting a more rational wardrobe for yourself, here are 8 compelling There is a reason.

The 3 most important habits for a comfortable lifeThere are countless healthy habits that improve our lives. But when I effectively practiced just three, I found that most other people cared about me.

7 lies that lead to a cluttered homeWhen asked what they most want to achieve in life, no one answers, “I just want to own as many things as possible.” Owning more than you need is not something people do on purpose. But somehow, it happens despite being a major source of stress in our lives.

Thank you for reading Becoming Minimalist for a week, a month, a year, or more. The success of this blog is due to the support of our readers. thank you for reading. And thank you for sharing these posts with others.

We look forward to an exciting 2023.

I am excited to offer well organized course It will be held again next year (registration for the New Year’s Edition opens on January 4th). We will also continue to actively create and publish videos for YouTube and Facebook. magazine simplification When simple money magazine.

In addition to continuing to provide these valuable resources, we look forward to providing some new resources this year. This includes things for professional eliminators/organizers, as well as new projects that are more faith-based than anything you’ve ever created.

No doubt, Becoming Minimalist will continue to evolve and be redefined.

But this website has always stayed true to its central message that there is more joy to be found in owning less than in pursuing more. We will continue to invite as many people as possible to discover in life. And we hope you will join us.

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