Home Personal Development Change A Life This Giving Tuesday

Change A Life This Giving Tuesday

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Every child deserves a family.

These five words make up a seemingly simple sentence. But it’s more than just a phrase to me.

that is belief That led to a movement and mission to change the way the world cares for orphans.

The movement started here with the Becoming Minimalist community and has grown through the love of family to change countless lives around the world.

desired effect

In 2015, on this blog, I started a non-profit organization called NPO. desired effect We are on a mission to change the way the world cares for orphans.

It was a big goal, but why dream small? Now that so many lives in this community have been freed from the pursuit of material possessions, think about the good we can bring to the world.

Shortly after announcing our nonprofit, we were overwhelmed by the support and passion from this community when we shared about the global problems we were trying to solve. And the continued support from the Becoming Minimalist Community always amazes me.

See, millions of children around the world are growing up without the love of their families.

Less than 1% of orphans end up being adopted, so how we care for the remaining 99% is critical.

Unfortunately, have clear and convincing research On the harmful effects of traditional institutional orphan care practiced in so many places around the world. Children raised in an orphanage do not receive the individual attention and care found within a family structure.

As a result, development is stunted and learning is delayed or lost. And tragically, many children who graduate from orphanages only face a future of crime, prostitution, or human trafficking. Children raised in institutional orphanages are 10 times more likely to engage in sex work, 40 times more likely to have a criminal record, and 500 times more likely to have a criminal record. High possibility of suicide!

the study Children perform at their best when they are raised in a home. That’s why Hope Effect is transforming orphan care by providing innovative family care, giving every child a chance to grow and thrive. We believe every child deserves to have a family.

Over the past seven years, we have pioneered and expanded our orphan care model in several locations, including Mexico, Honduras, Thailand and Cambodia. In family care, children receive the individual attention and support they need while learning what it means to be part of a stable and loving family.

All over the world, more children are growing up and thriving in the care of their families. Children like Antonio* are the first children in the state of Sonora, Mexico to take care of their families, and they have hope for the future through the love of their families.

See the work we are accomplishing together.

Antonio’s story

Antonio was born in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora, in July 2020. Sadly, he was soon left in the hospital. Immediately after birth, he was alone in the world without the love of his family.

In most developing countries around the world, Antonio would have been taken by the authorities and sent to an orphanage, where he would live with other children and be cared for by shift workers.

But, thankfully, Antonio had another option…a better option.

We started working in Sonora just a few months before Antonio was born. February 2020, We made a deal with the Sonora governmentbecame the first non-profit organization to receive government approval to provide family care at its location.

When Antonio was abandoned later that year, the government reached out to our team in Hermosillo. At just 14 days old, Antonio was welcomed into his loving family. When his first child was placed at home in Sonora, he had never seen the inside of an orphanage.

Over the past two years, we have watched Antonio grow up in a loving family. It’s been wonderful to see him grow and thrive in a caring, supportive, and stable family environment.

Here you can see Antonio’s transformation with your own eyes.

A great example of how family love can change lives. And today, Giving Tuesday is a special occasion to give hope to orphans and vulnerable children around the world.

give hope on tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity where people all over the world come together to give back and make a difference. If you want to make more of a difference in the lives of children like Antonio, join Giving Tuesday! please give me.

Our goal is to raise $125,000 today to further expand Family Care in Latin America and Southeast Asia.if you partner with uslike Antonio, help orphaned and vulnerable children find the families they need and deserve.

And today, your gifts and influence are doubled. Our generous team of supporters are matching every dollar for all donations up to $62,500!

Because Hope Effect is a 501(c)(3) organization, donation If you have any further questions about The Hope Effect or our work, please email us. We want to share our vision and passion for helping children.

Thank you for your encouragement desired effect For the past 7 years. It’s great to see all that we have achieved together. We are changing the way the world cares for orphans…because every child deserves a family.

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of children.

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