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As the Writers Guild of America rushes for a potential strike, their fellow entertainment unions have been quick to provide statements of solidarity between the unions. However, Teamster issued a fiery declaration that the fight for the WGA was a “joint fight”.The Directors Guild of America and his IATSE called on studios and streamers to sign writers to deals, and one of the latter’s locals Send me sweets From the beloved SoCal bakery slush institution Porto’s to the WGA negotiating committee.
But what options do other entertainment guild members have when faced with a picket line from writers in front of their workplaces? “Picketing will start tomorrow,” he said, if no deal was reached with AMPTP at that time. [Tuesday] afternoon. And in the labor movement, defending (i.e. not crossing) picket lines means “respecting workers’ dignity and sense of collectivity and power.” [on strike]explains Nelson Lichtenstein, a history professor who directs the Center for the Study of Labor, Labor, and Democracy at the University of Southern California, Santa Barbara. Crossing the picket line is therefore a “Labour sin”.
All major entertainment union contracts contain “no strike” clauses, each using a different language, but preventing labor groups from participating in work suspensions during the course of their respective contracts. Still, workers have the right to participate in “sympathy strikes” individually. This includes respecting picket lines formed by unions that are not your own. Of course, workers may face consequences in doing so. hollywood reporter Opinions are divided as to whether a breach of contract claim may be brought against entertainment workers as a result of engaging in a sympathy strike, but participation may result in temporary or permanent harm to these individuals. I agree that I may be replaced at work by about the situation.
Entertainment unions began advising on their members’ rights and obligations. They suggest how workers might react when faced with a potential picket line conundrum if the WGA goes on strike after his contract expires Monday night.
American Supervisors Guild: DGA President Leslie Linka Glatter and National Executive Director Russell Hollander said in guidance issued on April 18 that no one could force them to work in the event of a WGA strike. I was. However, failure to provide previously agreed services may have consequences. If you have a personal services contract, you could get a breach of contract claim,” said Glatter and Hollander. Guilds themselves must contractually guarantee employers that “members will continue to provide services covered by the DGA for the duration of the basic contract,” they added.
IATSE: In a April 28 correspondence to US IATSE members, Matthew Loeb, International President of the Crews Union, clarified many of its major agreements (the basic agreement covering more than 40,000 West Coast members, and the USA 829) said it “does not expressly ban employees.” Therefore, employees “reserve the right to respect lawful picket lines.” Others (such as the Area Standards Agreement covering about 20,000 workers outside of Los Angeles and New York, and many New York Local Agreements) “explicitly” allow employees to respect legal picket lines doing. caveat? Employers can “temporarily replace” workers who decide not to cross the picket line. They cannot terminate their employment unless there are “compelling business reasons” that have nothing to do with the workers’ decisions about the picket line, Loeb argued.
SAG-AFTRA: Performers Union advisory member On April 30th, to “keep working” on all projects that remain in production during a possible WGA strike. If a performer decides not to report for previously promised work, the union continued, “you could be subject to a breach of contract claim or be subject to termination by the producer.” He cited “no strike” clauses and workers’ interpersonal service contracts as reasons for the advice. To support writers, SAG-AFTRA advised members to walk picket her line or post on social media outside working hours (such as lunch breaks). The union also recommended that members not do any writing work covered by her WGA during the strike.
Teamsters Local 399: The Los Angeles Local has repeatedly told members that ‘Teamsters don’t cross the picket line’.in advisory Sent to members on May 1, the union specified that if the WGA goes on strike, Local 399 members must not join picket lines and must report to work if there is no picket line when they arrive at work. However, if there is a physical perimeter, “you are protected if you choose not to cross the WGA’s active picket line,” the union told members. Respect such lines.
May 1 at 7:24 PM Updated with WGA’s 1 May Evening Picket Communication to Members.