Ondonors are severely plagued with bugs that “feel like Covid, but aren’t,” research shows.
Hundreds of thousands of people were out of work last week, according to INEOS Hygienics research.
More than half of those surveyed said cordyceps “made them feel worse than ever”. Many people have reported feeling sick from the bug with Covid-like symptoms since around Christmas time, but have since tested negative for the virus.
The study found nearly half [49%] of Londoners blame themselves for getting sick this winter and socialize carefree [36%]poor hand hygiene [29%]poor diet [25%] and excess alcohol [18%] For and during the festive season.
In the week ending 7 January 2023, INEOS Hygienics witnessed a 43% increase in sales of hand hygiene products overall compared to the previous week, encouraging people to once again increase their investment in preventive health. emphasized that
Fran Miller, CEO of the company, said: [85%] of Londoners fear getting sick again this winter. Therefore, if hand-washing fatigue has taken root in your home, it is worth remembering that if he does it for just 30 seconds on a regular basis, he can soothe the bad weather for weeks.
“With increasing reports of hospitalizations and increasing pressure on the NHS, we need to act quickly to protect ourselves and those around us.
“Keeping your hands clean and sanitized is one of the most effective ways to keep yourself from getting sick and to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.”