I was walking for coffee with my friend Izzy this morning and talking about books. “I just read Trubiz,” she told me. “The ending was very good.” Demon Copperhead But I don’t want it to end, so I’m pacing it.I also recently tore up a hilarious divorce novel really good actually (the title made me laugh), and customer and All My Rage and banyan moon It’s on my bedside table, all begging to be picked up next.
“You know what’s cool?” I told Izzy as she approached her stoop. She said, “Kids are off-limits reading vacations, and they pack three or four of her books and read all the time at the beach, in the park, in the hotel, or wherever they are. You just read.” I can’t go home until it’s over.”
“I want to go,” she said, and lingered. “Oh my God, what happens if we read the same book and discuss it over dinner?!”
We looked at each other, eyes wide open, dumbfounded silence.
“Book club vacation,” she whispered.
Now I can’t stop thinking about it. Your mind will feel so clear yet stimulated. You can set rules, such as reading poetry with breakfast and reading novels or memoirs all afternoon. All the books may be set where you were staying. You might be able to finish your trip by watching the movie version of the book. possibility! endless.
what is your dream trip? hiking? City? Beach? Family reunion? I would love to hear from you…
PS How to host an article club and lots of books we love. Plus, 5 family vacation ideas.
(Photo by Jeremy Palowski/Stocksey.)
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