Home Lifestyle 10 Things You Forget to Clean in Your Home (But Should!)

10 Things You Forget to Clean in Your Home (But Should!)

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Spring is coming! Is there a better time to refresh the often-overlooked areas of our lives? From our wardrobes to our skin care routines to our homes, it’s all fair game. I love doing a deep cleaning of my house on a sunny Saturday morning, in addition to my usual weekly rotation of dusting, mopping, and vacuuming. That is, something that accumulates dirt and goes unnoticed for months. So, I’ve put together a list of 10 things you forget to clean at home.

It’s easy to think of spring cleaning as just another chore to add to your to-do list. But why not flip the script and turn your home into a sanctuary—a place where you can always find comfort and joy? By taking this more mindful approach to spring cleaning, it becomes an act of self-care. Flipping mattresses, vacuuming hard-to-reach cobwebs, and letting the sun shine in through freshly cleaned windows can feel amazing.

Our spring cleaning refresh is field & future, HE-B household, personal care and baby products are made without harsh chemicals. I especially like the fact that I can easily pick up affordable household items at my weekly grocery store. Makes your home smell so fresh without harsh chemicals.) Ready to sanitize? Put on your gloves and let’s turn up some good tunes.

How about flipping the script and turning your home into a sanctuary, a place where you can always find comfort and joy?

Top 10 things you forget to clean

trash can

By its very nature, the trash can is one of the dirtiest parts of the house. We all know this to be true, but it’s probably an area we don’t think much about cleaning. Place an empty trash can in the sink and add a few drops of dish soap. this is, Field & Future by HEB dish soap The clutch will enter.

What do you love more than the scent of Honeysuckle & Rose? The fact that all of our products, including dish soap, are free of harsh chemicals and made with 100% plant-based ingredients. Even if we don’t realize it, we open and close our trash cans many times each day. You don’t want to be exposed to toxic substances or chemicals. After adding the dishwashing soap, scrub it with a sponge and use the sink sprayer to blow the dirt away.

Oh and don’t forget your bag the next time you fill the trash can.I love Field & Future by HE-B disposable bagsLiterally… a trash liner made out of trash. Clean and sustainable waste? Totally thing.

sink faucet

I can almost guarantee you didn’t have a faucet on your list of spring cleaning essentials. Spray all-purpose cleaner and rinse with lukewarm water and a sponge. For this work, I’m adamant about doing thorough work and getting very clean results, but I’m not going to scratch the sink. Solution?of Field & Future by HEB no scratch pad.

Pro tip: If there’s dirt around the spout (I know it’s terrible), try using a toothbrush to loosen it. Sparkling clean bubbles await!

under the oven

You could easily leave it under your kitchen oven for months, but we recommend removing the band-aid and trying this simple trick to get a nice, shiny finish. Wet the sponge and spray the all-purpose cleaner. From there, take a deep breath and run the sponge along the bottom edge of the oven. If necessary, rinse the sponge in the sink and spray it again to thoroughly wipe the floor under the oven.

inside the cabinet

Before To organize your pantry, start with a clean base. First things first, Marie Kondo, get out your cabinets and everything! Spray the inside of the shelves and cabinet doors with an all-purpose spray. Then swipe a few times from a roll of clean paper towels.

Remote controller

Another thing that can easily go to the roadside is a collection of remote controls. We’re not going to dive into a potentially grisly topic, but let’s pause for a moment and think about all the people reaching for these remotes every day. I thought so. As with the cabinet, spray the sponge with all-purpose spray and wipe the remote “thoroughly”. Struggling to get between crevices and buttons? Use a toothpick to remove any dirt that has built up around the button. (wiped dry) Paper towels for the win!

lighting equipment

Have you noticed that your light fixtures are a little dim? Either replace the bulb (which is a good addition to your spring to-do list, by the way!), or use the sweep away the dust. All-purpose spray + paper towels = your ticket to lighting your home.

Craving a more thorough cleaning? Fill the sink with warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Remove the device, let it soak for a few minutes, then rinse and dry. Be sure to dry it completely with a paper towel before putting it back in place.

throw blanket

Your throw blanket is probably the lowest maintenance, most rewarding clean on this list! Your washing machine is your best friend. (But really, isn’t that always the case?) You’ll no doubt want to throw these in the laundry as part of your spring cleaning, but take this opportunity to set a reminder on your phone or planner. It’s a bi-weekly habit.

yoga mat

I’m not going to lie. Only recently did he start to get serious about the fact that he works out 3-4 times a week, which means he sweats a lot on his mat. Like throw blankets, this is something you should do more regularly than just spring cleaning. An all-purpose spray and a paper towel wipe is a quick and reliable way to clean, but you can also DIY your own yoga mat cleaner.

Mix 1 part vinegar or 4 parts water with witch hazel in a spray bottle.i like to put a few drops Field & Future with Inhale Exhale Essential Oils from HE-B. Made with eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, rosemary and tea tree. In other words, all the natural scents you want to incorporate while doing downward dog.

toothbrush holder

If you use a manual toothbrush, there’s likely a lot of residue hiding in the special tray you throw the brush in. I’ll leave out the dirty details, but residue is often bacteria, viruses, and coliforms (Salmonella and E. coli) are also hidden. Lather the sponge with dish soap and rinse the toothbrush holder thoroughly in the sink. For a deeper clean, run it through the dishwasher.


Last but definitely not least. Visually, you’ll notice all the bristles clumping together on the brush, but also product residue, mites (gross, I know), dead skin cells, and oil that builds up from repeated use. Yes. Add a few drops of shampoo or dish soap to a sink of warm water. Place the hairbrush in the sink and shake it by hand until it foams. Soak for 5 minutes and rinse until soap is gone. Spread a towel on the counter and let the brush dry completely.

With these often-forgotten areas and big lofty spring cleaning goals, remember that perfection is not the goal. I do my best to enjoy the squeaky satisfaction of getting things done.

Let go of the pressure to get your spring cleaning done ASAP, and you’ll look forward to a beautiful home that reflects all your hard work.

*Field & Future by HEB products are made with recycled or recyclable content, biodegradable formulas or plant-based ingredients without the use of over 165 harsh chemicals..

This post was originally published on April 20, 2022 and has since been updated.

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