Home Lifestyle 12 Inspiring Newsletters to Subscribe to For a Happier Inbox

12 Inspiring Newsletters to Subscribe to For a Happier Inbox

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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PSA: Your inbox can be a source of joy. Don’t worry, I am well aware that statement is utterly ridiculous. After all, we live, work, and exist in an always-on world. Immediate, if not simultaneous, response is expected there (don’t ask how this happens, but the pressure is there). I was anxious (again: terrified) about emails when I signed up and was desperate for something to ease my anxiety. Here are the 12 best newsletters to subscribe to to calm you down, inspire you, and fill your inbox.

If your goal is Inbox Zero™, perhaps idea, why After all, do you really need another unread email? But the focus here is on quality rather than quantity. Yes, I am also happy that there are no unread messages when I open her Gmail. But the truth is, after signing up for everything (yes, all) In The Most Idea-Generating Newsletter To Subscribe to, I started rethinking this productivity milestone.

Featured image by Michelle Nash.

Image by Michelle Nash

12 newsletters you should subscribe to for a happier and healthier inbox

The idea of ​​being able to process a million messages in the morning and sign off at night with no unread mail has long been the pinnacle of work-related success. But to be honest, I’m getting a little tired of thinking about my life and work this way. Instead, I want to relate my tasks, goals, and yes, my inbox to connection and growth. And as soon as I started looking at my weekdays from 9 to 5 in that light, everything changed for the better. Because after all, in this difficult world, I finally get the joy I get.

Kick things off with the Shameless Plugin as the most uplifting newsletter in the game. Of course, I’m a little biased, but apart from the association, this newsletter keeps me informed and inspired every day. Year. Some communications provoke email anxiety, but the Camille Styles newsletter does the exact opposite. Camille’s messages combine introspective language with energizing ideas, and her articles are carefully curated and just what you need to read that day (and read back days later). I didn’t know email could help me relax and rejuvenate, but this newsletter convinced me.

a lot of thoughts This quote is from New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Holmes. A lover of all things British royals (especially the impeccable style), Holmes shares all the tips, tricks and funny jokes about what it takes to live your best royal life. The content covers fashion and travel, but also delves deeper into thought-provoking personal development considerations. Basically, when you subscribe, a lot of thoughtsyou can get a little bit of everything.

good trade is on my list of sites and blogs I visit every morning before I go to work for the right amount of motivational content. If you’re interested in personal growth, expanding your creativity, and becoming a better (better, kinder) person every day, I can’t recommend it enough. But if your mornings are a little busier, like ours are,daily good Exactly what your inbox needs.

An abbreviated version of the site’s long articles and content. daily good We’ve put together playlists, recipes, sustainability and self-care tips, and more. He likes that each transmission starts with a short but eloquent thought that often puts him in a positive mood for the rest of his day. Take 30 seconds to (carefully) scan. Worth a pause.

sunday brain food It’s not about grabbing attention through quick fix panaches or topical headlines. Instead, the team behind Farnham Street We intentionally designed our newsletter around advice that can be easily applied and effectively woven into your work and life. Every time I open (excitedly, impatiently) a new issue, I’m amazed by groundbreaking insights and timeless wisdom.

Not only has it increased my productivity, but it has also satisfied my insatiable curiosity (at least temporarily). sunday brain food For lifelong learners and students at heart. But really, this is an inbox-improving newsletter that requires next-level knowledge.

maybe you know Olivia Noseda From the aesthetically authentic (*actually* authentic) content she offers on Instagram. I take all the mental health, design, self love, wellness and recipe inspirations she shares. Indeed, when her profile is highlighted in my story line-up or her reel is dropped in my newsfeed, my whole being has been known to visibly change for the better. increase.

If those three sentences weren’t enough to convince you, Olivia has written and shared images and videos that encourage you to think differently and deeper about your personal experiences and the world around you. I am serious about doing it. her newsletter, on the rocksis an extension of all that.

Revolving around a different theme every other week, Olivia’s testimonials are incredibly relevant and completely innovative. It’s clear that she spends enough thoughtful time, using only her appropriate words, to beautifully communicate and craft her own insights, but she also speaks to her friends. I write in a way that makes me feel like Because, in a way, so are you.

For those who check their email on the weekends, Olivia’s newsletter is the surprise (and smile) they need on Sundays.

Needless to say, we are huge James Clear fans here. And of course we are not alone. his New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, sold over 7 million copies. Yes, I would say we are in good company.his 3-2-1 Newsletter Naturally, it is also very popular, with over 1 million registered users. This book is packed with the same insight and wisdom you’d expect from a behavioral science expert who has completely changed the way we think about habits. It also tells us what it really takes to sustain the habits that make us feel our best.

Each newsletter consists of three short ideas from Clear himself, two inspirational quotes from other thought leaders, and questions for you to think about. 3-2-1 for sure.

Even if you think you’ve never heard of Intelligent Change, you’ve seen their Five-Minute Journal on the reels of just about every wellness influencer. Intelligent Change is changing the playbook when it comes to making positive changes in lives across all products and content. They make their journaling habits more manageable on a daily basis and publish a newsletter. intelligent weekly Nothing less than influence and motivation. Expect weekly inspiration that encourages you to practice gratitude, develop emotional intelligence, and introspect. Yes, your inbox can do wonders.

Atlas Obscura shares courses, stories, city guides and hand-picked tours of some of the world’s most fascinating and often unknown places. Think of it as your definitive go-to place not just for travel, but for all things culture, art and awe-inspiring experiences. We offer a wide range of newsletter options, from daily and weekly digests to inbox grow-ups centered around food and travel. I personally subscribe to the daily transmission. Because I always like to indulge in a little wanderlust in the morning.

Ann Friedman is a journalist, essayist, and co-author of best-selling books. Great Friendships: How to Keep Each Other Close. Her newsletter serves as a survey of all the best writing and content offered on the internet for the week. Given the power and perspective of her work, it’s no surprise that she distributes an equally powerful newsletter in the cultural world. Expect to receive a curated email each Friday consisting of articles and interesting commentary. It’s one of my favorite newsletters that makes me feel smarter just by opening it.

with books like steal like an artist, keep goingand Show us your work!, Austin Creon He is responsible for completely changing the way I look at creativity. I may have once blamed myself for years of writing for a single reader (my parents occasionally skimmed my blog), but his work Thanks to them, I have learned that it is worth continuing to grow and develop myself as a creator. . All the brilliance you’d expect from Kleon is woven into every newsletter he sends out. Thank you for subscribing your inner artist.

oh i’m reading Since Cup of Jo… Forever? Since launching the site in 2007, Cup of Jo has grown to be one of the tightest Internet communities. The posts range from really funny (“Vacation threat”) heartbreaking (“What My Son Taught Me About Grief”) to transformational (“My Selfie Year”). What they all have in common is a powerful thread of connection that unites readers around the world. Every week, the site’s operations team checks in your favorite articles and cool notes to your inbox. This is probably one of the healthiest emails I’ve ever received.

Like many people, my love and gratitude for all the good NPR does and provides knows no bounds. life kit The newsletter just tells the truth. Created on the premise that “we all need a little help to be human”, each newsletter is based on a variety of topics, with tips and hacks (I don’t like that word, but here’s how it works). ), which changes the way we approach it. About everything you do in life. From parenting, to saving money, to exercise, to better sleep,life kit We’ve got you covered. Furthermore, for those who are not good at newsletters, podcastthat too.

This post was originally published on May 27, 2022 and has since been updated.

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