Home Relationship 6 Prayers for a Broken Marriage

6 Prayers for a Broken Marriage

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Marriage is the ultimate contract between two people. Married couples vow to love, respect, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives, in the best and worst of circumstances.

Marriage is not only God’s plan for His people, it is also a reflection of the love of Christ and the Church. Marriage is also where people see us at their worst. When we have unprocessed trauma and pain in our lives, it’s our spouses who hit it the hardest.

This can cause our marriage to fall apart and cause both of us to stop thinking about each other and start focusing on ourselves. Unfulfilled needs and desires in a marriage can make a partner angry and sometimes bitter.

But there is still hope. Even the most broken marriages can be repaired if two people ask God for help and follow His commands.

As Christians, it is more important than ever to pray for marriages, especially those going through difficult times.

Here are 6 prayers for a broken marriage.

1. Father, heal us

One of the most important aspects of a healthy marriage is for both parties to seek to heal what is impeding their emotional, mental and physical health. The trauma that someone sustains can affect not only the quality of life of that person, but also the people around them.

It’s hard to be around two people who constantly fight, or worse, kill each other’s personalities. Spend some alone time with God to deal with this problem. Let me know if there are any areas in your life that are not healing.

If you need to forgive someone because of unhealed trauma, please forgive them. If you’re in conflict with someone over a broken heart, do your best to resolve the conflict. Let’s nip the conflict in the bud as soon as possible.

Ask God to continue to heal old wounds until they are completely healed. Psalm 34:18 “The Lord draws near to the brokenhearted and saves the broken in spirit.”

2. Dad, please speak

Many marriages have fallen apart because they do not hear the word of God on a regular basis. When a person becomes a Christian, he surrenders his life to God. This means they are allowing him to dictate their stride when it comes to future spouses, careers, and everything in between.

God’s will is not divorce, but rather sanity and healing. We should not rely on our spouses to fill our lives with happiness, but God wants us to work together in marriage to embody His joy in life.

After asking to heal an old wound, ask if there is anything specific you would like to say. The Holy Spirit within you is trying to speak to us. He longs to have fellowship with us. This includes what he tells us for our education, comfort and encouragement.

3. Dad, please forgive me

In a marriage, it’s easy to blame the other person. Adam blamed Eve after she fell victim to the serpent’s evil means. Since time immemorial, people have wanted to shift the blame and blame others for things.

But when we analyze our relationship, we find that we are just as guilty as the other. Take the time to forgive your spouse for whatever they have done. This can take months or even years.

are you OK. Forgiveness is a process. It’s a lot of work, so people often want to skip that process. Forgiveness is hard. So was Jesus’ death on the cross. He died so that we could live our lives free. This will help you forgive your spouse.

Moreover, sometimes it is you who is unforgivable. Despite the reality that Jesus’ blood covers all our sins, we often want to defend our miserable actions as a form of spiritual repentance so that we may obtain God’s forgiveness. .

But God’s forgiveness was granted when Jesus died on the cross. We can live in freedom and ask God for forgiveness. We know that God is just and will forgive all our sins, even those we think are too terrible for Him.

4. Father, let me reflect you

Both marriage partners reflect Christ’s love for the church. Each person is a reflection of Jesus. The best way to show reverence for God is to keep the marriage covenant. It is difficult to reflect Christ in a relationship full of unfulfilled expectations and trauma.

This is especially true when there is emotional or psychological abuse within the relationship. The best thing we can do is seek help from professionals who can help us solve our problems so that we can be the best spouses we can be.

5. Father, give us peace

The Bible says, “As long as you are on my side, there will be a little peace for all men.”Romans 12:18). Reconciliation is not possible in all relationships, but we both need to work to make sure it happens.

Peace may not be possible in all circumstances, but peace is what gives us the freedom to live in safety and to maintain our identity as children of God.

Peace is not necessarily the absence of fear, but rather the satisfaction of knowing that Christ is in control of each situation and wants what is best for our children.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust the Lord with all your heart, do not rely on your own understanding. Submit to God in all things, and He will make your ways straight.”

Sometimes God’s will is beyond our comprehension. But it is not our job to understand what God’s will is. Our job is just to trust Him and know that He will do it for us.

We can take comfort in knowing that God is in control and that we do not have to follow Him in every situation.

6. Father, help us to love as You have loved us

God loves us unconditionally. But we love others conditionally. Jesus sees people through the lens of sinners who need a Savior. He has come to show that the whole world has hope for him.

However, as humans we have high expectations of people and when they hurt us we tend to cut them off or stop spending time with them.

We see people and feel spirits through the lens of past pain, but God, who has forgiven all sins, has already paid for our sins. He lives in peace knowing that death is the payment for sin, but Jesus paid his debt in full.

If we can become more like Jesus, we will be able to see people through the lens of love and forgiveness. When we believe that we are fully loved, fully forgiven, and that God loves us no matter what, we are more likely to see others in the same light. Become.

This makes it easier for us to forgive and love others as Christ loved us. But for us humans, it can be difficult. We must anchor our lives firmly in Scripture and live fully loved ones. When we can do that, we are able to forgive and love others in the same way.

If you have problems in your marriage, talk to friends, pastors, or other leaders who can help you work through the problems. Make sure you are someone who can see things objectively, not someone who sees things with prejudice.

Take their advice and do whatever it takes to turn your marriage around. There is no sin, including your marriage, that is not completely covered by Christ. Let God be your guide and transform both you and your spouse from the inside out.

For further reading:

a-troubled-marriage.html”>Prayers for Troubled Marriages

51 Marriage Prayers and Messages Inviting You to Pray About Your Relationship

Believing in a Soulmate Could Ultimately Crash Your Marriage?

Photo credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Prostock-Studio

Writer Michel LaszlekMichelle S. Laszrek She is a multidisciplinary award-winning author, speaker, pastor’s wife, and mother. She is a literary agent and certified writing coach for Wordwise Media Services.her new children’s book who God wants me to be Encourage girls to discover God’s plan for their careers. Outside of work, she enjoys drinking Starbucks lattes, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and dog.For more information visit her website www.Michel Lazulek.Com.

This article originally appeared on Christianity.com. For additional faith-building resources, please visit:

Christianity.com. Christianity.com

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