Home Lifestyle 9 Questions That Help Me Create a Vision for My Dream Life

9 Questions That Help Me Create a Vision for My Dream Life

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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I Feeling 2023, everyone. I think it will be a year for him full of growth and adventure. If you clicked through this post, I think you are ready to open your arms and open your mind. I’m a big believer in setting goals to deliberately steer you in the direction of your dreams. For me, the beginning of a new year is the most powerful time to do it. And today, I am very happy to share this year’s Vision Workbook 2.0.

Over the course of 2022, I’ve made some tweaks to the way workbooks work for me, so I wanted to create a deeper, more uniform version. more Influential in defining your “why” and creating your dream life. So, grab your vision and goal setting workbook here and dive in!

This is why I write down my vision for the year

There’s a lot of content on materialization and vision boarding, and white is so heavy on visualization that sometimes it doesn’t really help you develop a strategic plan to make it happen. Enneagram 3. I like roadmaps. I want to know the “how”. That’s why this workbook is an incredibly powerful tool in my life.

Here’s the deal: visualization, In addition, a tactical plan for doing the workis the secret to creating real traction for creating the life of our dreams.

Throughout January, we’ll be sharing a series of posts on how to navigate the vision workbook. Start by creating a vision (the content of this article) and define your top priorities for each area of ​​your life (relationships, career, health, personal growth). As a final step, identify one powerful thing you can do in each of these areas to gain maximum traction toward your long-term goals. It helps you visualize how you want to spend your year in an organized way so you can revisit and remember each day.

As we start a new year, we focus on creating that high-level vision.It’s what ignites your passion and makes you want to jump out of bed every morning. We allow ourselves to dream big, be creative and approach life with a rich mindset. . This step is TRUE Have fun, that’s the key to the process. And remember:

“You only need to know the direction, not the destination. Direction is enough to make the next choice.” – James Clear

How to create a vision of the life you want to live:

It’s common for companies to create mission and vision statements to inspire and guide their teams. This is how companies articulate their future goals and define how to get there. But I think it’s just as important to take that same intentional approach to who we become from day to day and year to year. This requires creating a purposeful vision of your life.

Here are the nine steps I use to create my own vision. The vision workbook describes each of these and allows you to define your own.

1. Write your mantra for 2023

If your entire workbook is the long version of your 2023 vision, think of your mantra as the short version (usually a sentence or a few words). We want it to appear where we see it every day, and be able to quickly repeat it when we need to bring it back to the center.I lead At this step in the workbook, the mantra may not be immediately obvious, but that’s okay. Complete the rest of the steps first, then come back to this step once you’ve found patterns and themes.

My own mantra this year is:

Reduce distractions and increase engagement.

Below are other examples of mantras I’ve written over the years that help with the flow of creativity.

  • Go slow, don’t rush.
  • Raise your energy.
  • Enjoy today.
  • come now
  • Simplify.
  • Enjoy more.

2. What would your dream life look like?

visualize what your What your dream life looks like, sounds like, smells like, feels like, and write about it in your journal. Don’t limit yourself to what seems realistic at the moment. Let your imagination run free. To get out of the idea that “dream life” equates to status and material possessions, I want to focus more on real life. Day Answering these questions, my dream life would look like this:

  • Where are you?
  • Who are you with?
  • how do you feel?
  • What does “success” mean to you?

I always find this exercise to bring new awareness.helps clarify what you are doing actually instead of what you think should do it I want.

3. How do you want to feel this year?

Then make a list of emotions you want to feel more in 2023. Part of your workbook daily practice is to review this list each morning and ask, “How can I feel more of these things today?” It’s amazing how setting an intention for how we want to feel can change how we go about our day. focus on and incorporate them throughout your day.

Here’s my list for this year:

  • Current
  • strange
  • feel better

4. When are you happiest?

It’s a simple question that might unlock some major Ahaha For you. How often do you go on autopilot and forget to ask yourself if you have the system built in? What makes us happy in our daily lives? Cooking, walking with friends, trying new sports, traveling, reading a book. With a little self-analysis, you may discover that you are happiest when you are reading. Whatever it is, the goal is to intentionally make more time. That into your life this year.

5. Where do you want to go this year?

Often our travel plans are pushed to the bottom of our priority list, making decisions after 11 hours based on flight costs and busy schedules. What would happen if we approached travel destinations more proactively? Then you can take an honest look at your calendar and budget and get creative about how to make it happen. My goal is to travel twice. We may not reach it all in 2023, but we are confident that with this approach we will be that ‘dream spot’. intention Stay in your future Here’s mine for this year:

  • Costa Rica (scheduled)
  • Los Olivos, CA (must plan for this)
  • Japan (stretch goals)

6. Who would you like to prioritize in your life?

For several years, I’ve kept notes in Evernote called “My Lists.” That’s her 10 or so names that are the top priorities (other than my family) in my life. These are the people I want to invest in, spend time with, and relate to in meaningful ways this year. We all know how busy life can get. Keeping this list in an easily accessible location will help you remember to check in and stay connected throughout the year.

In this step, simply make a list of friends, co-workers, extended family members, etc. that you want to prioritize this year. Keep your list short enough so you can invest in each one.

7. What book do you want to read this year?

I like to set my intentions at the beginning of the year with a few books I want to read from start to finish. 4 means one book per season. Be ambitious and increase the number to one per month.

Here is the list for 2023: The first two are related to two of my goals for him (to continue honing my voice as a writer and to be a better listener for children), and the last two are beautiful stories I want to delve into.

  1. everyone writesAnne Handley
  2. good insideDr. Becky Kennedy
  3. a thousand bright sunsKhaled Hosseini
  4. working mindRob Delaney

8. Tell us one thing you would like to learn this year.

Learning something new every year is a great stimulus. It’s cool to think that if he learns one new thing every year as an adult, in 20 years he’ll have 20 new skills, hobbies, languages, etc. Several we may be a little ambitious actually It takes a year to learn.

For this exercise, we want to focus on just one thing you will learn over the next year. Don’t laugh, my goal for this year is to learn face yoga. Seriously (Google it)

9. Create a vision board

For beginners, a vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It usually consists of words and images and is meant to inspire and remind you where you are going. Whatever your goal is, whether it’s to slow down, start a company, be a better parent, travel more, be more creative, or train every day, a vision board is an incredibly powerful tool along the way. .

So how do you actually create a vision board? I’d like to start by completing all the other parts of the vision workbook. So start the process with a solid understanding of what your vision really is. You can then search for images and words that evoke those emotions and represent those goals. you. There really is no wrong way.

I love making digital vision boards Canva — Templates with all kinds of beautiful layouts that are easy for beginners to create. Simply import your inspirational photos and arrange them into a collage on your digital canvas.

That said, there’s nothing quite like starting the new year with your own massive vision board and having it in your office all year long. I pull out my pile of magazines and scissors, print pages from my Pinterest board, and explore the folders of postcards and stickers I’ve saved throughout the year. Also, use pen and paper to write down the quotes and inspirational quotes you want to see every day.


You made it! how do you feel? Reflect and celebrate your vision workbook. This year, I took the first big step towards designing the life of my dreams. You should be proud of what you have created. If you haven’t gotten your own copy of the workbook yet, get it here. Next week, we’ll share how we approach the next step of setting goals and creating a strategic plan to reach them.

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