Besides new icon, Google Contacts has changed quite a bit over the past year.latest is new[ハイライト]It’s a tab.
“Highlights” are displayed on the bottom bar of Material You, between “Contact” and “Fix & Manage”. Below the search field, you’ll see a grid of “favorites” containing four icons in a row. It’s denser than the “Favorites” tab in the Phone app, and you can quickly “add” new favorites from the top right corner.
The grid co-exists with the Favorites list at the top of the main tab. So currently there are two ways to view it.
This is followed by “Recent” which is a list of two tabs starting with “Recently Viewed”. Each contact has a viewing date associated with it, and you can clear that history using the overflow menu. “Recently Added” rounds out the list and is the most useful part of this new UI.
With this change, recently expanded, Google Contacts became a three-tab app with a navigation drawer added to the main list view. The app is getting a little busy.
“Fix and manageIt was a nice addition to highlight the various tools the app offers, but it’s not clear if a whole tab approach is needed. to replace the favorites list, and the recent section is the existing[管理]You can move to tab.
In theory, though, this new[ハイライト]Tabs could become the primary way people use Google Contacts. Instead of scrolling, you can just search, but grids are more visual and easier to use than lists.
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