Home Lifestyle The New Year Intentions Our Editors Are Setting for 2023

The New Year Intentions Our Editors Are Setting for 2023

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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“I’ve noticed the word ‘curiosity’ comes up a lot.” , made me realize that I might overuse the word (I’m a writer, after all), but it also made me smile. as an alternative to curiosity. Instead of criticizing how my body changes after recovering from an eating disorder, I am interested in how I am growing throughout my healing journey. And I’m excited that wisdom will change me for the better. By the end of our conversation, I knew what my intentions were for the New Year.

Intentions, determinations, goals, whatever we call it, the idea of ​​challenging ourselves to change ourselves in some way at the beginning of the year is often met with resistance. to imagine that “things” and “going to the gym more” probably started happening when we realized that they weren’t our own goals, but the result of social pressure to make ourselves smaller and smaller each year. I can only do it. .

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New Year’s resolutions our editors have for 2023

Camille Styles recently shared a thoughtful conversation about what it means to grow and set meaningful goals. I am grateful to be surrounded by a team that does. Instead, our goal is to run the full range. Some want to expand their sense of play, while others want to create more space for people in their lives. You find yourself in luck when you’re setting

On this day of celebration, we are less than a week away from stepping into the new year. We share all of our New Year’s intentions to help you identify what’s important and prioritize more joy and connection in your daily life.

Image by Michelle Nash

Seeking novelty

For me, who just got married at the end of November, this year was a different New Year than usual.After a very busy season, I’m feeling another sense of excitement and renewal for what’s to come in 2023. One thing my husband and I want to focus on as we embark on this new chapter together. We were talking about , and the concept that came to both of us was Novelty. We want to encourage each other to continue working outside our comfort zones as much as possible, incorporating new experiences into our daily lives, such as trying new restaurants or taking a movie photography class together. By searching for brand new shared experiences together, we can create lasting memories instead of falling victim to our daily struggles. — Michelle, Executive Producer

Find hobbies outside of work to make more time to play

2022 has been incredibly fulfilling. I curated talks and went on to create a series of speakers interviewing really cool people. I am very happy to continue with it, but I would like to nourish my mind more in a way that is not entirely dependent on my performance or output. I crave light hobbies, but if you know me, you’ll finally find a way to magically tie it all together. — Kelly, Contributing Editor

I want to nourish my mind more in a way that is completely independent of my performance and output.

Image by Michelle Nash

Make time to connect with old and new friends and family

2022 was a year of big changes for me, finally settling in a new city, starting a new job in a new industry, going to graduate school, and working on a number of side projects.I’ve taken my time this year, focused and navigated a lot so I’m glad I stepped under myself new, which often meant focusing on the relationships in my life and not spending as much time as I liked investing in relationships with people I was really excited to get to know. So, in 2023, I want to make a conscious decision to prioritize time for making connections with the people in my life. It looks like it makes room for phone calls to catch up, walks with new friends, and simply being present when I’m with the people in my life. — Suruchi, food editor

Focus more on meaningful things

Gory, do we ever stretch ourselves thin? am i right? Nearing the end of 2022, I took an inventory of how I was spending my workday minute by minute and was overwhelmed. Not only was I spending energy on irrelevant things that didn’t require much of my energy, but I was also focusing my energy on many tasks that didn’t align with my values. I’ve been shying away from the big projects I really want to work on.In 2023, I’ll better assess how I spend my time to ensure I’m not being robbed of my precious juice. This is a privilege and I may not be able to do it all the time, but I believe that just paying attention to it will bring more time and energy to the things that grab my attention. Expect! — Stacey, Contributing Editor

Image by Michelle Nash

Make time for curiosity and creativity

Requires a healthy amount of creative The loneliness of feeling like your best self.When I don’t have enough time to read, ponder, paint, go down the rabbit hole, or follow my curiosity, I usually feel like a vibrant shell of myself. If I didn’t keep this alone time, my calendar would probably be filled with things that bring me joy, but it doesn’t very fill my cup So this year, I’m blocking time off my calendar ahead of time and filling it with activities that inspire and nurture my creativity. — Nihel, Social Media Manager

Cultivate a sense of ritual in everyday life

Like most people, I am constantly in and out of routines. I give myself the grace to do so, but I also know how important it is to practice a routine that helps me feel grounded in my life. and gaining a deeper understanding of what I feel is really holding me back. — Isabel, Editor-in-Chief

image provider Thiel Thomsen

Practice listening more deeply with your children

the way we appear and TRUE Listening to another person is a direct reflection of how important that person is to us and is one of the clearest ways to communicate that we love and cherish others. One. But when life gets hectic, I sometimes get into the habit of half-listening when my kids tell me about their day or crazy stories (it seems to go on and on). In 2023, when you’re having a conversation with your kids, intentionally pause everything else (including your cell phone) so that your eyes, through his contacts and genuine questions, will let your kids know they’re in the moment. We want to let you know that this is our number one priority. — Camille, Editor-in-Chief

Image by Michelle Nash

be the most encouraging person in the room

Between my husband’s grandparents’ passing and my father’s passing in 2022, I’ve been thinking a lot about our legacy. How can we honor these incredible men and women who made such an impact on our lives? My dad was an encouragement. Because he really cared and listened perfectly to himself, he was able to reach a person’s soul within minutes of meeting them. I want to carry on his legacy in the practice of putting the spotlight on others. Change my mindset from “What do people think about me/my job/what I’m wearing/what I said” etc. to “How can I encourage someone?” An unexpected bonus is the lightness you feel where anxiety used to roam free. Isn’t that something? — Brittany, Content Marketing Director

Image by Michelle Nash

maintain healthy boundaries

I have always been a yes person. In fact, more resoundingly, YES! I often feel like maintaining a positive outlook feeds my soul, that girl Always adventurous and ready to tackle anything head-on. My goal for 2023 is to stop, think, and actually evaluate what I know deeply before immediately agreeing to it. so-so upon. I hope this healthy boundary creates a space in my routine and mind that allows for spontaneity and self-care. — Anne, Contributing Editor

create a routine

Last year felt like an intense game of catch-up. I felt like I was constantly running backwards on the treadmill.Seeing family and friends for the first time in several years, going on trips tons And become a reluctant expert in red-eye flying while settling into a new city. When I explained this to her friend, she said to me: Feelings matter in 2023 Mooring. More appropriately, it is about developing a sense of grounding. Part of it means not physically moving. But most of the time, I try to create a routine, not just for my routine, but to carve out moments of intentional stillness within my routine. You might buy a quartz mask or sauna blanket. We’ll see where a year (and my Instagram ad) takes me. — Langa, Beauty Editor

I try to create routines just for the sake of my routine, but to carve out intentional moments of stillness in my day.

Image by Michelle Nash

Build a healthy relationship with mind, body and soul

After a year of gaining a lot of wisdom regarding my relationship with my body, I have established a strong foundation for how I want to treat myself. 2023 will see me diving deeper and exploring what feels good for every element of my being. I want to nurture my mind with positive thinking and connect with a faith system that respects my loving perceptions. — Isabel, Editor-in-Chief

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Take a break from work and move your body to rejuvenate

I have a bad habit of going through a busy day without a break. As a result, sitting at a desk staring at a screen for too long can leave you feeling tired at the end of the day. Research shows that getting up and moving at regular intervals can actually increase our energy and make us more creative. Next year, at least three days a week, he’ll be adding 30-minute breaks to his afternoon schedule for virtual Pilates and yoga classes. — Camille, Editor-in-Chief

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