Raise your hand if you’re tired of reading Elon MuskThe rest of you should use the latest version of New York Times Magazine, prepare Grande Latte — Maybe two, but I’ve calmly absorbed over 7,000 words trying to explain why the mask moves.
Lawsuits, accidents, deaths, and near-misses collide in this provocative, over-the-top treatise, testing the patience of all but the most confirmed Musk-o-stans.
It’s worth repeating the first paragraph of the story to understand the story’s premise and clear your head on what’s next.
“Early on, the software had an unfortunate habit of attacking police cars. The lights seemed to trick the AI (artificial intelligence): the car was driving normally, the computer was controlling it just fine, but suddenly it turned left or right and… smash — At least ten times in just three years.
The next paragraph states, “…these crashes may look like a problem. But for Tesla CEO Elon Musk, they presented an opportunity.”
Heartless? selfish? genius? Pick one that describes the character of his Mr. Musk, one of his Christopher Cox works of writers in “Elon Musk’s Appetite for Destruction” (thanks, Guns N’ Roses). His views are told through the lens of his two Tesla drivers, who collided while using the car’s self-driving system, and through interviews with lawyers and his Musk colleagues (though of course However, there is no interview with Musk himself.)
Cox details the ride with Fresno, California owner David Alford. video His 2020 Model 3 is approaching a red light in full self-driving mode, but the car won’t stop. Instead, Cox writes: This is despite Tesla running the latest AI software update. Cox, in a car driven by Alford, describes using the autopilot to enter another intersection:
“Tesla started creeping up, trying to see the car coming from the left more clearly. There was nothing, but instead it just stayed there. At the same time, the tricked-out Honda Accord sped towards us, about three seconds away before slamming into the driver’s side door. Alford got on quickly and stepped on the accelerator, so we were able to escape safely.”
The Times has a hard time documenting what’s good, bad, and ugly about Musk, his unrepentant defense of self-driving cars, his mission to send humans to Mars, and his questionable personality. “Musk is just a narcissist,” the author wrote.
Then there’s the poignant side of the man who Musk offers his condolences to the father of his son, who died after his Tesla crashed while speeding. , cannot refuse to defend a higher mission. Perfect for most people. ” The obvious statement of many people in the story.