Home Personal Development Small Steps Lead to Big Changes. Celebrate Them.

Small Steps Lead to Big Changes. Celebrate Them.

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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“Small decisions can change lives forever.” – Keri Russell

Every significant and big change we make in our lives is the result of a long series of small changes.

Here are some examples of how small steps can lead to lifelong changes.

  • Quitting smoking starts with not lighting your next cigarette.
  • Weight loss starts with one less serving.
  • Organizing your home starts with removing one unnecessary item from your home.
  • Getting out of debt starts with buying one less thing.
  • Starting a business starts with an idea.
  • Saving a marriage begins with the realization that it is worth saving.

study show One of the ways we facilitate the big changes we want in our lives is by noticing and celebrating the small victories we’re achieving along the way.

Our lives are measured less by leaps and bounds than by small daily steps and decisions. You can’t always control the outcome, but you can make small changes to control behavior.

Of course, in this world of filtered influencers, fast food, instant downloads, get-rich-quick schemes, and endless media hype, those standing at the finish line often get accolades, but they still travel. Those who continue are often overlooked. .

As a result, those who are still on the journey believe they have failed because they have not yet reached their goal. Our society doesn’t do a good job of picking them up along the way.

We have to learn to adjust our thinking. Not only as a society, but first and foremost as individuals.

Of course, it’s perfectly appropriate to celebrate those who have successfully completed positive life changes.

every day A step forward deserves a celebration. And when we see it in our own lives (or in the lives of others), we have to call it what it is: a victory worth celebrating!

A father who comes home to pick up his child, not a remote, deserves a celebration.

Alcoholics who choose to attend another AA meeting deserve congratulations.

A debt-ridden husband packing lunch for work deserves a celebration.

The consumer-driven wife who chose not to buy that extra pair of shoes deserves a celebration.

Kudos to the scammers who made their first honest dollar.

Any weight-struggling man who chooses to climb stairs deserves our celebration.

Anorexia eating a complete meal deserves our celebration.

A wealthy person who writes his first check to charity (regardless of amount) deserves our celebration.

It’s a celebration when a couple on the brink of divorce altruistically sits down at the kitchen table to finally talk it out.

We all need grace. We all need patience. And we are people in need of encouragement.

So let’s celebrate the small steps we are taking.

Life is fully lived in both big and small moments.

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