Home Relationship Why Are We to Weep for Those Who Weep?

Why Are We to Weep for Those Who Weep?

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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In a few days it will be a year since my mother left this world and entered the arms of Jesus. Easter was the last holiday we celebrated.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Our family all sat in the living room, joking and laughing about who-knows-what, remembering the good old days.

But I don’t remember the conversation, but I do remember sitting right next to my mom and putting my hands on her lap a few times, as I always do. It’s a common trend of mine. and her smile. Her radiant smile as I spoke one after another, and she just listened.

i miss it

A few days later came a rather harsh reality. We can never be fully prepared to lose someone we love, especially someone we loved dearly.

The beeps of the hospital and the echoes of doctors making unimaginable diagnoses played in my mind for weeks, putting me in a state I had never been before.

I still remember watching my father (who is the most gentle and sincere person you will ever meet) collapse, bang his fist on the side of the hospital wall, and scream in ways you’ve never heard.

After a whirlwind of service and standing in front of family and friends to give a speech about my mother, I somehow managed to get through without shedding tears.

Pain does it. Greif can provoke all kinds of emotions. I bring this up because about a week after my dear mother passed away, a dear friend not only brought me dinner, but sat with me, though she didn’t actually speak. , she listened intently. Then she moved me beyond words. she cried with me!

I never told her how much it meant to me. Her idea that she recognized my grief and grief probably meant more to me than she knew.

Having experienced some grief on this journey, I have begun to learn and understand to some extent the impact it has on others when we experience turmoil and pain.We can become the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s times like this (Matthew 18:8).

Jesus is our example

Crying with someone can be a little uncomfortable. That is understandable, but as believers we are actually commanded to be humble servants of the Lord.

Let’s dive into the Romans and see what that looks like in action. Full of wisdom.

Since the human heart and mind are naturally succumbing to sin and are easily swayed by the things of this world, God, along with Jesus, gave us a plan of redemption.

Jesus came to live as a human being as an example for us. Jesus shows us how to love people with selfless sacrifice, not just words and simple actions.

Romans 12:9 Love teaches us to be sincere. We are called to love and respect one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.Romans 12:10). We must rejoice in our hopes, endure hardships, be faithful to our prayers, and practice hospitality (Romans 12:12-13).

Love is a selfless act. Loving like Jesus invites us to a place where we surrender to someone else’s needs with kindness, gentleness, compassion, and mercy. Romans 12:15 It calls us to go one step further and cry for those who cry.

What does crying really mean?

To cry for those who are mourning or grieving is simply to show compassion and empathy. It is to acknowledge that

We may not be moved by physical tears, but they are guided and moved by the Holy Spirit, inviting us to serve those in need (Galatians 5:22). It gives us the opportunity to love mercifully and bear our burdens, leading us to a place where we not only recognize their grief, but also feel it.

There are several instances where Jesus cried. From the boldness of a lion to the meekness of a lamb, Jesus was portrayed in many ways, but he was a man who suffered grief and deep loss. Jesus knew sorrow and grief and set an example for us on how to comfort those who are hurt.

When Jesus heard about his friend Lazarus, he wept and met Mary. In her pure anguish, Mary fell at Jesus’ feet. Seeing her Mary weeping, Jesus is said to have been deeply moved by her and distressed her.John 11:33).

Knowing his fate, Jesus also wept upon his triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, riding low on a donkey. But he cried not for himself, but for this city.

When the people lowered their palm branches and declared, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord” (Luke 19:38), Jesus saw a crowd of people who had lost their way and were seeking peace (Luke 19:42).

Jesus also wept in his prayers and supplications.we see him do this Hebrews 5:7Like the high priests of his day, Jesus prays for the people. Jesus shows us his humanity and how we can give kindness to those who need comfort too.

we are called to cry like Jesus

Jesus prepares us to love tenderly those who are weary and weeping.

1. Tap your kind side. Seeing someone cry can be a little awkward and uncomfortable. Perhaps even setting us back, Jesus’ actions are a reminder that not only do we need compassion, but what is expected of us as believers.

Showing compassion can be as simple as listening or extending a hug. These actions show that you are distressed and saddened by their condition. This also helps them recognize their pain and feel seen rather than feeling forgotten and causing more pain.

2. Pay attention to non-verbal cues. Often it is the inner cry that we fail to recognize. If a person is behaving differently than usual or seems withdrawn, ask for God’s wisdom on how to contact and check in with that person. Even just a sweet text or phone call means a lot.

3. Recognize the power of prayer. When we reach out to God and ask those who are weeping for peace and comfort, God does two things.

So pray for those in need and ask God to bring you eternal hope and a timely source of healing.

closing prayer

Lord, we humble ourselves before You and ask for Your love and forgiveness when we are unable to love others in the way You have shown us. , help me learn what it really means to cry with those who weep and follow Your beautiful example. Help us to walk softly by those who are in deep pain and to show compassion in our actions. Amen.

For further reading:

https://www.christianity.com/wiki/bible/significance-of-jesus-wept-in-the-face-of-death.html”>What is the meaning and significance of ‘Jesus wept’ ?

How Should Christians Respond to Dark Days?

Does God Weep With Us?

Photo credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Hispanolistic

Alicia SearleAlicia Searle She is an avid author, blogger, and speaker who pours out her heart and is passionate about bringing women of all ages back to Jesus. I am getting the number Her favorite people call her mom. As such, she spends much of her time cheering at softball games and dance classes. She’s married to her heartthrob (her tall, spiky-haired blonde) who can make a mean latte. She sips the goodness writing her heart on her page while the puppy licks her paw.visit her website alicia searl.com Connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

This article originally appeared on Christianity.com. See below for faith-building resources.

Christianity.com. Christianity.com

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