Home Relationship 12 Christlike Characteristics to Affirm in Your Grandchildren

12 Christlike Characteristics to Affirm in Your Grandchildren

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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I was stunned! In my 15 years as an intermediate teacher, I could count on one hand how many times this happened.

Both were rare and much appreciated, but it wasn’t effort or appreciation. While in my classroom, the young man was good-natured, friendly, and diligent. He was an above average student. But even he was 11 years old, and his immaturity stood out at times.

At the end of the school year at our “closing ceremony,” he was presented with an award. It was a ribbon of construction paper. I have fully confirmed how I am manifesting in my academic and athletic endeavors.

As a college-bound athlete, he stood in front of me now, thanking him for the challenge, and even more for the words of affirmation given to him. He informed me that the words on the back still hung in his room.

In that moment, I was convinced. You can choose to put obscure stickers all over your student’s work and send it out annually with the ubiquitous ribbon, or make it a worthwhile investment.

I agree with Lou Priolo in his book. please people“Show your high regard for others by praising their biblically praiseworthy qualities,” I decided to commend my students with explicit and constructive affirmations.

That afternoon with the young man inspired my grandparents as well. Christlike attributes are essential in all areas of life, and it is my responsibility to teach and nurture these attributes in the lives of my grandchildren. It helps in fulfilling its role.

Think with me of 12 Christlike traits that you will affirm in your grandchildren.

1. Credibility

Therefore, you can recognize them by their fruit. Matthew 7:20

Christianity is about engaging in an imperfect and honest process of becoming like Jesus. it’s not perfect. Affirm your grandchildren when you see a humble, sincere, gospel-centered authenticity in their lives.

2. Compassion

Finally, let’s all be like-minded, considerate, love each other, be considerate, and be humble. 1 Peter 3:8

Compassion implies compassion and sympathy, but it goes much deeper. Praise your grandchildren for recognizing the suffering of others and taking action to help. This Christlike characteristic may be reflected in their thoughtful questions, tears, or attempts to help.

3. Courtesy

So, in all things, do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Here is a summary of the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12

Courtesy means social manners and polite behavior. What many people seem to think are as extinct as pterodactyls.

If you find your grandchild holding the door for someone else, last in line, letting someone else do it, or saying “please” and “thank you,” say affirmatively. Please provide the words for “As you grow, you realize that God is helping you to be more polite.”

4. Forgiveness

Removes all bitterness, anger, anger, strife, slander and all forms of malice. Forgive one another, be kind and considerate, as God forgave you in Christ. Ephesians 4:31-32

Jesus, who confesses his sins and extends mercy to all sinners who trust him, is the most forgiving man that exists. He also instructs us to forgive, for we have been forgiven.

As you see your grandchildren giving forgiveness and grace to others, praise them for this work of Christ in them.

5. Generosity

Remember this. Anyone who sows sparingly will reap sparingly. Because God loves those who give willingly. And God can bless you abundantly. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Jesus shares all that he has and withholds nothing for himself.

Our grandchildren show generosity when they give sacrificially to others. It’s more than money. cheerfully sharing what they have. Each time your grandchildren share boxes of candy, donate money from their piggy bank to missionary work, or serve in the pantry, praise them for becoming more and more Christlike.

6. Gratitude

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through the Lord Jesus. Colossians 3:17

Gratitude is our expression of gratitude and praise, a precious offering in the eyes of our God.

In very young children, facial expressions may appear in the form of giggles or twinkling eyes. Older children may express gratitude in spoken or written form. As your grandchildren care for their gifts and appreciate their giver, see their Christlike character.

7. Honesty

The sincerity of the honest leads them, but the treacherous perishes in their duality. Proverbs 11:3

Integrity is adherence to moral and ethical principles. This Christlike characteristic is fundamental to a true personality. It shows a person’s sincerity, honesty and honesty, and over time creates honor, truth and credibility.

“I see the features of Christlike integrity shining through you when you…”, “As you showed such sincerity when you… Simple affirmations such as ‘I want to be’ will develop Christlike character in your grandchildren. .

8. Kindness

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, as holy and beloved people, develop compassion, kindness, humility, kindness and patience. Colossians 3:12

considerate. kind. Helpful. A person who is kind to others is motivated by love. They want to help others and express good intentions. Kind souls take a gentle approach to the weaknesses and limitations of others. Their words and actions are intended for the benefit of others.

Such features in the lives of our grandchildren are commendable.

9. Obedience

For just as one man’s disobedience made many sinners, so one man’s obedience will make many righteous. Romans 5:19

We taught our children and now enjoy watching them teach their grandchildren that obedience means obedience only with a happy heart. Swearing or reluctantly resigning are not always present in true acts of submission.

When you “catch” your grandchild being truly submissive, take the time to sincerely affirm. How about “It pleases my heart when…” or “I know it pleases God’s heart when…”?

10. Respect

Dedicate yourself to each other with love. Let’s respect each other. Romans 12:10

Respect and honor are two sides of the same coin.

Respecting someone means “giving them weight.” Honor is usually bestowed on the basis of rank, status, wealth, or character and is indicated by respect.

Respect is the way you treat someone. A feeling of positive admiration manifests itself in the way we publicly treat others.

Your grandchildren will be encouraged to look into other people’s eyes, put the phone down in front of them, thank the person who invested in them, or sit by someone who is sitting alone. Do you display the characteristics of Christlike reverence? These and similar acts are certainly admirable.

11. Liability

“Now my soul is disturbed. What shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’?” No, that’s exactly why I came at this hour. John 12:27

When faced with a task beyond our comprehension, Jesus was determined to see it through. Always loyal even at great cost, he is our greatest example.

Do your grandchildren display Christlike traits? Have you ever seen them do their assigned tasks to the fullest, be true to their responsibilities, keep their promises, and complete tasks even when it would be more convenient not to do so?

Their consistent, dependable and dependable behavior shows respect for others and reverence for God. In this they should be encouraged and affirmed.

12. Honesty

Therefore, each of you must stop lying and speak truthfully to your neighbor. Ephesians 4:25

Being honest can take courage, especially when it comes with consequences. See this Christ-like trait in your grandchildren whenever you see them on display. The pattern of telling the truth leads to trust from others.

It is important to note that this list of twelve Christlike characteristics to affirm in your grandchildren is by no means exhaustive. Notice the distinctive patterns of behavior that reflect the example of Christ). This is a worthwhile investment.

Deborah Haddix Co-Director of Education and Resources for the Ministry of Prayer. Christian Grandparent Network is the author of Biblical Portraits of Grandparents: Discovering and Living Out God’s Design for Our RolesShe is also a blogger, speaker, and Christian life coach.Connect with Deborah on her website.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Aldo Murillo

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