Home Relationship 3 Blessings of Having a Sister

3 Blessings of Having a Sister

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Many of us are blessed to have sisters in our lives. God has given us sisters who have been with us through every dark period of our lives. You may have a sister who is very close to you, or who has stood by you through difficult times. Some sibling relationships are very difficult, which I know all too well, but others are a beautiful blessing.

I am the youngest of three siblings, but my second daughter and I have always been the closest. If you have siblings, you may know how close your bond can grow over the years.

My sister and I have been through many difficult times and are now facing an ongoing problem that has been unresolved for nearly 20 years.

I lost my dog ​​and my mother to being bullied in public school.

Like many brothers, we have been through a lot together. My sister and I are Irish twins, born 10 months apart from hers. Our age proximity may have contributed to us becoming not just sisters, but best friends.

Together, my sister and I had to go through the pain of a family medical diagnosis and watch my mother’s health deteriorate. All of these things can weigh on anyone’s mind and heart.

It should come as no surprise that all these pressures cause us to collapse. Personally, it was only with the help of God and his sister that I was able to get through this difficult time. Without the support of God and my sister, I would have felt overwhelmed, fearful, and depressed.

No matter what happened, my sister was always by my side. God blessed me greatly when he gave me a sister as great as I am. After the family dog ​​died in early 2016, my sister was very depressed.

Our family dog ​​was her best friend and our dog was there for my sister in everything. I had no idea how our lives would be different without it.

The death of our dog was just the beginning of tragedy after tragedy. After our dog died, her sister became more reserved and she didn’t have the free spirit she used to have.Depression crept into her mind and it was me It was something that could not be healed.

Seeing my sister like that made me feel like my heart was about to burst. While her sister works on her cure, the absence of our shaggy little dog still creeps into our hearts and minds and we all miss her dearly.

What we didn’t know was that the death of our beloved dog was the beginning of a most difficult and tragic year. In the spring of 2016 our eldest daughter went through a lot of mental health issues and even after 6 years she never fully recovered.

My Irish twin sister and I started learning a lot of things we didn’t want to know and ended up on hospital floors we didn’t want to go to. This traumatic event still haunts us and is often a reminder of the difficulties of caring for someone with mental illness.

2. Rely on them in difficult times

I started college in late August 2016, and my sister had completed a few semesters before me. During her first semester of college, her mother became fatally ill in the hospital due to congestive heart failure. She spent 10 days in the ICU before her death.

My family and I visited my mother many times each day in ICU. In 2016, we were only able to visit two family members at a time, so naturally my sister and I left before my father, and my eldest daughter met her mother.

If you’ve ever been in ICU, you know how emotional it can be. It was traumatic to see her only 18 year old mother in such a state of death. She was hooked up to a machine to keep her heart beating, was receiving oxygen and was tube-fed.

My mother woke up while my sister and I were in the room and I was very sad with fear in her eyes. She held my hand and it was so strong. All I wanted to do was save her somehow — to solve all the problems. But I couldn’t.

My family and I continued to visit my mother in the hospital every day, many times a day. Always with me through these difficult times was my Irish twin sister and I. Despite the hospital’s efforts, her mother died just 10 days after admission.

My mother was young, she was only 45 when she died. It breaks my heart to think of all the things she will never experience on this earth and all the memories I will never make with her.

Maybe you’ve been through something similar and had someone to turn to. To me, these individuals were gods and sisters.

Since 2016, life has never been the same, but I feel for my sister and have grown closer through the difficult seasons of my life. is incorrect.

But knowing that my sister was with me the whole time has made me feel less alone. .

Whenever our memories and thoughts make us crazy or upset, we are able to understand each other better because we were together during these tragedies.

3. Always support

During my college days, my sister and I had a close relationship and have remained close to this day. I had to go through my anorexia recovery from 2020 to this year, but my sister was by my side every step of the way.

It was very difficult and full of ups and downs, but my sister always extended her love to me, even when I didn’t deserve it. was shown in

If you have knowledge about eating disorders, you know how difficult eating disorders can be and how much a person suffering from an eating disorder can push others away. My sister encouraged me and stayed by my side.

It is through hard times and struggles that those who truly love us shine. My sister is a true blessing in my life and I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life.

Make sure to let your siblings and siblings know how much you appreciate them today. You have a brother who is also your best friend.

For further reading:

What does it mean to be part of God’s family?

What is the importance of having a spiritual family?

What is the meaning of brother in the Bible?

Photo credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/DGLimages

Vivian Bricker Help those who love Jesus, learn the Word of God, and walk with Christ. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Ministry of Christianity with an emphasis on theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she’s not writing, she’s embarking on other adventures.

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