Home Relationship 4 Ways to Overcome Insecurities about Being the Spiritual Leader of Your Home

4 Ways to Overcome Insecurities about Being the Spiritual Leader of Your Home

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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We overcome leadership anxiety by preparing ourselves. Spiritual preparation involves a conscious, regular, and deliberately focused study of God’s Word.Paul, at 2 Timothy 2:15wrote, “Studying to show that he is approved by God, he is a workman with no need to be shy, and he divides the word of truth rightly.” The home spiritual leader should be ready to do a “spiritual push-up” to guide and teach the family in which he or she is empowered.

Trying to guide a family Bible study in such a way as to verbally report on a novel you didn’t read in eighth grade can be very frustrating. When we are not fully prepared, we start with self-doubt. Lack of preparation gives the devil fertile ground and all his insecurities to undermine confidence. Intelligence and education have nothing to do with this preparation. The Holy Spirit guides, guides and directs individuals in the work of the Lord.of Hebrews 13:21 We have been given the promise that God will provide [us] Do all good things that you may do His will and work in us what is pleasing in His eyes. It gives you the understanding and spiritual discernment that lies outside.

of Jacob 1:5We say, “If any of you have no wisdom, ask God, who is generous to all without condemnation, and it will be given to him.” The ability to spiritually understand and communicate doctrine comes only from the Holy Spirit through boldness and faithful prayer for guidance. Psalm 23 It is a reminder that God is our Good Shepherd, and that Shepherd is our family’s spiritual leader. This role requires praying for the ability to lead the family on the path of righteousness through the Spirit and the Word.Moreover, as Paul wrote, we are confident 1 Thessalonians 5:24“The one who calls you is loyal. He does it too.” We can be confident that we will be prepared for the position called for.

Prayers are needed for our protection and preparation. William Garnall wrote, “Christian armor will rest only if it is not trimmed with the oil of prayer.” Prayerful reading and study of the Word is supported by intentional meditation.David writes Psalm 1:2 The blessed man’s “joy is in the law of the Lord, on which he meditates day and night.” Our preparation therefore consists of reading, studying and meditating on God’s Word as well as fervent prayer for the full realization of God’s promises.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/BC-Designs

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