Home Relationship 5 Ways to Observe Lent in Your Marriage

5 Ways to Observe Lent in Your Marriage

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Lent is 40 days from February to Easter. For those who practice Lent within the Catholic tradition, Lent is a very sacred time of sacrificing something for 40 days in order to understand what Christ did when he died on the cross. It is time. However, most Protestants do not take the holiday very seriously because the holiday is directly related to Catholic tradition and some theological views oppose Protestant faith. . Just because Protestants don’t practice Lent regularly doesn’t mean they can’t start. Lent symbolizes a wonderful time to contemplate Christ’s death and can help us become more Christlike in the process. indicate.

1. pray

One of the activities that Jesus is known to do before dying on the cross is his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. So he prayed so fervently that he was dripping blood, and prayed to God that he would not suffer so badly. God’s answer was “no” and Jesus had to fulfill his redemptive purpose by death and resurrection, but as a couple you should take time to pray to God about the depths of your marriage you want to see, can ask.

In some of these situations, God’s answer may be “no,” but He will honor you for taking the time to pray and will ask Him anyway. Pray fervently for finances, your health, and other areas of your marriage where you want to see God work miraculously. is not. Promise to pray to God as Christ did in the garden. For his next 40 days until Easter, he can choose to pray for one area a day, or he can choose one thing he wishes to pray for consistently each day for the 40 days. No matter which path you choose, God respects your sincerity when you make your wishes known to Him. This will bring you spiritual growth and bring you closer together as a couple.

2. Sacrifice

Lent is a time to observe the great sacrifice that Christ made for us on the cross. No matter what denomination you belong to, Lent is a very sacred time of learning to sacrifice certain things in order to better understand what it means to be Christlike. It can be something as simple as dessert or social media, or something more important. The possibilities are endless. You may find that by giving up anything for his 40 days when Easter arrives, you don’t miss the thing at all. Sacrifice of loved ones not only helps us understand the great sacrifice Christ made, but it may be better for our overall physical, mental and spiritual health.

3. Love your enemies

Until his death, Christ showed great love for his enemies. Jesus taught us many lessons about how to treat those who oppose us. If you don’t know what Christ did, take a moment and pick one of his gospels to read. You can read it in the next 40 days, or even days, until Easter. Sometimes he spoke truth and love, other times he chose not to speak at all. Jesus was full of grace, but he was also full of justice and truth. Jesus also struck a striking balance between his humility and his knowledge of his authority through his Father. These qualities can also be exhibited during Lent. I have asked the Lord to place in your heart a few people whom you might consider enemies. These may be unbelievers, family members, or others with whom you disagree. These may be people who have chosen to cut ties with you completely, or they may simply be people you tend to argue with when you are around them. Ask the Lord to do a good work. Christ is always about reconciliation, not division. Use this time on loan to Christ to reconcile relationships with those who feel hopeless.

4. Go to church

for Catholics, Ash Wednesday Marks the beginning of Lent. This is his February day when people go to church and the priest smears ashes made with the sign of the cross on his forehead. People wear them during the day to commemorate their devotion to the Lord and his sacrifice. God created us from the dust of the earth. And the day will come when we will return to Earth as dust. This is the outward symbol of this idea.

Even if it’s not Wednesday, you can choose to go to church that week in honor of Ash Wednesday. Your church may not end with you receiving the ashes, but we can go to church with solemnity, remembering that we were made from dust and will one day return to dust. If your church has a prayer room, use it on weekdays and try to pray for that day in memory of the cross. Take time to thank God for all that you have had and all that God has saved you throughout your life. I am grateful to him for all the ways in which I have been.

5. Find a gift

Before Jesus died, he spent much of his ministry healing the sick, casting out demons, and helping people in his community. He dedicated his life to using his talents to help people. Likewise, you can choose to dedicate these 40 days to discovering and using your spiritual gifts. There is an inventory of many spiritual gifts that can be taken both in writing and online to help you discover these. , see if there are any changes in these gifts. Gifts may change depending on the situation. God may raise up special gifts in you that you have never used before. Align with the way God wants to use you. Jesus is in harmony with his father, and he “could only do what he saw his father do.” Use these 40 days to discover new ways God wants to use you both in your local church body and where He has you. How can you use your spiritual gifts in the workplace? at your house? at your local church? Don’t let the season of Lent pass by without at least discovering your spiritual gifts and reaching your full potential.

Lent isn’t just for Catholics. Protestants can also use this season to draw closer to God and each other in marriage. Focus on using your gifts at home to edify your spouse. Give him 40 days to sacrifice something to better understand Christ’s sacrifice. Pray together and may God grow in your love for Him and for each other. Use that love to love your enemies, forgive them, and reconcile where necessary. Lent is one of his most spiritual experiences in life. See the overarching concept that Lent celebrates, rather than simply dismissing it as a tradition of only a particular denomination.

Related article: 10 Things Couples Should Give Up During Lent

Photo credit: ©Unsplash/Cassidy Rowell

Writer Michel LaszlekMichelle S. Razlek She is a multi-genre, award-winning author, speaker, pastor’s wife, and mother. She is also a literary agent and certified writing coach at her Wordwise Media Services.her new children’s book what god wants me to do Encourage girls to discover God’s plan for their careers. I’m in.For more information visit her website www.Michelle Zrek.Com.

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