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7 Lessons My Dad Taught Me about Living Generously

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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After my father passed away, I learned more about his generous heart. I had experienced his generosity towards me since I was a child, but it was only later in life that I became more aware of his generosity towards others.follow my dad Matthew 6:3-4:

He quietly practiced frank acts of kindness.so when i say discovered, That’s because he didn’t tell me that or did it openly in a way that everyone could see and know, even close relatives. Instead, he quietly and respectfully behind the scenes donated in ways that uplifted, encouraged, and defended those he helped. Father’s giving heart taught me the generous heart of Heavenly Father. Growing up, I learned that I could ask God for anything, and I knew I could ask God for anything.As John 14:14 “You can ask me anything in my name and I will do it,” he explains.

Likewise, I never had to worry that my earthly father would give me anything but great things. It taught me the same thing about Heavenly Father. “If your son asks for a fish, would any of your fathers give him a snake instead?”Luke 11:11) Here are seven lessons my father kindly gave me about living generously.

1. Be respectful and generous.

On the way to my future sister-in-law’s bridal shower, my parents and I found ourselves lost in a seedy area of ​​Chicago on a dark, cold winter night. But even in those circumstances, I witnessed my father treat a drunken man on the street with the utmost respect when he called him to his car to ask for directions.

As a teenager, I questioned my father’s wisdom and quietly prayed God bless me in the back seat. But the respectful way he spoke to the man left a lasting impression on me. My father showed respect for others based on God’s love for them, not on society’s view that they were taken for granted. 1 Peter 2:17 It reminds us to “show proper respect to all, love the families of believers, fear God, and honor the Emperor.”

2. Cooperate generously.

I don’t know all I know a few ways my father reached out to help others in very practical and impactful ways. Once, she supplemented the income of a young mother of eight children after her husband, who worked for her father, left her and their children for another woman. He took it a step further in his position as a hospital administrator, hiring a young newlywed couple struggling to find work as domestic helpers so they could start a life together. Finally, he helped an awkward young man move into his own home, offering a great job and benefits. My father did more than just talk. He walked his way, helping others to the best of his ability. He practiced what Hebrews 13:16 recommends.

“And remember to do good and share with others, for such sacrifices please God.”

3. Be quiet and generous.

My father would buy groceries for the poor, take people out to eat, give out cars, and many other things I probably haven’t heard of yet. rice field. He was quietly generous and what I discovered about his donations was from others who told me how he helped them.dad lived a long life 2 Corinthians 9:11-12: “You will be rich in every way, and you will be able to be generous at every opportunity, and through us your generosity will lead to thanksgiving to God. It not only fulfills the

Four. Be merciful and generous.

Dad didn’t seem to give based on whether an individual was deemed worthy of receiving it. Instead, he gave when he thought he needed it, and realized that God was giving salvation to the undeserving—all of us. Romans 5:2 Discussing how Christ has led us to a place of undeserved privilege because of our faith, we now stand and confidently and joyfully share in the glory of God. looking forward toAs James 2:13 It reminds us that for God, mercy triumphs over judgment.

5. Serve generously.

God will do everything in his power to help the hurt, the weary, and the depressed. He helps those who are unable to help themselves due to physical or mental limitations. Even though people look down on the weak, God has mercy on them. Isaiah 40:26 To explain,

“He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the weak.”

My father’s heart expressed this compassion for others. He thus understood and modeled God to those in need, and consciously helped those others might say they could have helped themselves. . People sometimes don’t know how to survive alone, but with the loving support, encouragement, and encouragement of others, they can learn how to get through the process. Dad seemed to understand and follow God’s example: Jeremiah 31:25“It refreshes the weary and satisfies the faint of heart.”

6. Learn to love others generously.

Above all, the Father loved people with the love he received from the Heavenly Father. Raised to a strict earthly father, he learned to love not through his father, but through God’s love for him. 1 John 4:19 It explains how this happens. “We love because God loved us first.”

My father never underestimated the influence God has on us. By loving others, we can bring individuals to reconciliation with God. 2 Corinthians 5:20 “Therefore, we are ambassadors of Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We pray to you on behalf of Christ. Be reconciled to God.” My father chose to love others. It was a pleasure and a privilege for him to do so, not a burden.he practiced lovingly Romans 13:8“Leave no debts except the continuing debt of loving one another. He who loves others has fulfilled the law.”

7. Be generous and considerate. My father helped people who had nothing in return. They were mostly people who were starting their lives, starting over, struggling and ending their lives. He taught me to make sure my heart is right when I do something for others, and to do it for my Lord instead of expecting something in return. he lived like this “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through Him.”Colossians 3:17). Dad demonstrated the heart of God, as explained in Luke 14:13“But when you hold a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind, and you will be blessed. but you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/FredFroese

Lynette Kittle I am married and have four daughters. She enjoys writing about her faith, marriage, parenting, relationships, and her life. Her writings have been published on Focus on the Family, Decision, Today’s Christian Woman, kirkcameron.com, Ungrind.org, StartMarriageRight.com, and more. She holds a Master’s Degree in Communications from Regent University, where she is an Associate Producer. Seoul Check TV.

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