By single-handedly cutting the communication cord, the Ghost thwarts attempts at reconciliation. This is unfortunate because many disputes end up being heartbreaking simply because the responsible party was unwilling to discuss what happened.
Could this be one of the reasons why Paul preferred celibacy? “I hope you don’t mind,” he explained 1 Corinthians 7:32.
Makes sense. One person does not need constant contact with their significant other about what went wrong and how things could be improved.
But since ghosting happens to married couples and singles alike (remember, some people ghost their former friends too?), let’s return to this notion of reconciliation.
Reflecting on past pain with the person who caused it is, by definition, unpleasant.shared how One caseit took years to pursue reconciliation on my own.
The pressure to avoid reconciliation is real, but our God is a God of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). What we can do is allow the possibility of speaking things out rather than ghosting other people.
8. Generate more ghosts
Strong emotions have attractive characteristics. One of them is the unconscious tendency to transfer strong emotions evoked by the actions of others onto innocent bystanders.
Consider the famous joke about a string of violence. A man was humiliated by his manager. He was so furious that when he got home, he would yell at his wife, and she would hit the child, and the dog would kick the dog, and the cat would bark, and the cat—
hit me How do upset cats behave?
The point is, even if we were able to interview all of the ghost victims, none of them enjoyed the phenomenon.
More likely, the ghosted person in pain turns around and ghosts another person.
ghosting no more
Jesus once said a simple but important farewell to a woman who had committed adultery. “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11). Recognize the gravity of his reaction. Here stood the sinless Son of God, Great Myself, next to a sexually transgressed woman.
But despite her apparent role in breaking the seventh commandment, Jesus did not condemn her.
But if Jesus had not accused her of adultery, he would not have accused anyone of ghosts.
Then why not take in the teachings of Jesus? Stop ghosting.
This is the essence of repentance. It’s about letting go of old behavior and doing the opposite.
However, adhering to this obligation requires developing skills that make ghosting unnecessary, for example, by learning how to best manage conflict resolution.
Consider spotting and scrubbing Other unhealthy boundariesThe momentum you get from removing one unhealthy behavior from your life can drive you to cleanse even more.
In the future, I might even explain how to stop ghosting.
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