Home Relationship Are Mentors All That Important?

Are Mentors All That Important?

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Mentors are people who teach, guide and advise younger people. They usually teach them in areas such as Christian growth, ethics, or specific areas of study. Mentoring relationships aren’t very prevalent, and many question whether the relationship is important.

Mentors and Depending on your age in life, mentors can be very important.

find my mentor

Until college, I never had a mentor. I had a father and a mother, but no direct mentor. It wasn’t until I entered college that I actually got a mentor. My mentor was a mission professor who became like a grandfather to me. He was a professor of missions at the school. So he was the professor who taught us about missions, mission studies, and cross-cultural studies. Mission was one of my minor hes, so I was taught by Mission professors for most of the semester. I always left class knowing more than before, and more importantly, I left class feeling that I mattered.

Prior to my mentor, no teacher encouraged me or supported me. I never felt safe going to them. With my mentor, I was able to talk about school, classes, and my walk with Christ. he believed me One of his in class was a mission internship as part of my mission program. Fighting with my mental health, traveling abroad was nerve-wracking, to say the least. Obsessions, anxiety, and depression left me afraid of what was to come.

encouragement from my mentor

Despite my fears, my missionary professor believed in me and encouraged me as the day of my departure approached. He and his wife drove me to the airport and encouraged me throughout the drive. It is no exaggeration to say that I am very grateful to both of them. My mentors really helped me overcome major obstacles by supporting me before, during and after my mission internship. I was terrified at the time, but they left me with the encouragement I needed.

Called in stress at the airport? of course. Did you cry and call your family? of course. I was anxious, but thanks to the encouragement and support of the people around me, I was able to safely board the plane and head overseas. You could say that everything was smooth sailing from there, but it wasn’t. While I was there, I stayed with her three missionary families, each of whom had to fill out an evaluation form on how well I was doing. I was struggling so much there, not to mention the myriad mental health issues I was reluctant to share with them.

On each of these evaluation forms, I received terrible reviews. Or I received review after review saying I had “mental problems”. These “mental issues” were nothing more than depression, anxiety and anorexia that I had suffered for over ten years. Passing the class was a challenge in itself, but my mentor believes in me despite all the negative things written about me on the form. It was the greatest encouragement of all.

Each of the three missionary families told me that I wasn’t cut out for missionary work, but my mentor believed I was. It would be a lie to say that the missionary family’s words did not hurt. In fact, they hurt so much that I fell into a vicious cycle of mental health for a long time afterwards.

It’s funny to say that each of these missionary families had a lot of problems, emotional baggage, and spiritual issues with me. Don’t we all have past traumas, wounds, and pain? How many of us have mental health issues and are afraid to talk about it with others? Are you scared? We are scared for the exact reason they see us as “freaks” or “people with mental problems.” We need more people like my mentors who believe in us even in the face of illness and problems and support us no matter what.

lasting friendship with my mentor

After the trip, my mentor and I stayed in touch, but he moved with his family across states to be with his wife. We don’t talk as much as we used to, but I know I can go to him whenever I need help, guidance, or advice. I think mentors are very important because I had a great experience with them. Of course, not all mentors are as supportive and encouraging as mine, but I have had some excellent mentors. find out

I understand that many people have had bad experiences with mentors, but you should know that not all mentors are negative. was not Instead, he became my mentor as I took his classes and relied on him for his knowledge of the areas I was studying. Find it and let nature take its course. No one wants to be forced to be someone else’s mentor, but over time the right person can become the perfect mentor for you.

Mentors are very important because they are wise and knowledgeable. My mentor was a college professor, but your mentor may not be a professor. Your mentor could be your mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa. Outside of her family, she can find great mentors for her spiritual/life advice. It could be your counselor, therapist, or your youth leader. You can find a mentor, especially when you stop looking for one. Ask God for help and guidance as you try to find a mentor.

The most important part of being a mentor is your relationship with God. If they don’t know God, it’s best to choose another leader. If you have a leader, he must love God with all his heart, mind and soul. No leader without Jesus knows how to lead you in a way that brings God’s glory. But if they have a leader who loves Jesus and follows him faithfully, it will flood their lives and give glory to God. In time you may become someone’s mentor. You can share the love of Christ with your actions, as my mentor did in my life.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Zinkevych

Vivian Bricker Help those who love Jesus, learn the Word of God, and walk with Christ. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Ministry of Christianity with an emphasis on theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she’s not writing, she’s embarking on other adventures.

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