Home Lifestyle How This One Habit Can Transform Your Life

How This One Habit Can Transform Your Life

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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It’s a New Year’s rite of passage. The ball has dropped and the hands of the clock have struck midnight, so we have our last drink ready for February 1st. Doing my best, Green blended his smoothies, joined a new gym, and picked up a copy of James Clear’s bestseller. atomic habits. And while everyone on TikTok who identifies themselves as “that girl” does the same thing, I’ve learned not to judge myself so quickly. When I finished reading this book, I realized. This book brought many behavioral psychology terms into the common vocabulary, but there was one that stood out to me as an absolute game changer: the bundle of seduction.

Life has a lot to offer, but the less exciting truth about adulthood is that it comes with a whole laundry list of yawn-inducing obligations (including laundry). Taxes, loading the dishwasher, clipping the cat’s claws, you can name so many things I think of. please do not I want to try it. And, of course, there are tasks that help us move toward our goals, but finding the motivation to do them can be difficult. Work out, create a business plan, you know.

But what if I told you that there’s a way to do a little bit of these tedious and sometimes mundane tasks (re: many) Helps you find motivation to complete? That’s where the Temptation Bundle comes in.

Featured image by Michelle Nash.

image provider Emma Bassil

Why Willpower Isn’t the Answer

First of all, to understand the bondage of temptation and why it is so effective, we need to examine why many of the myths we have come to believe about behavior change are just that. mythology.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem more motivated than others? Or did someone tell you that with a little more willpower, you can achieve your dreams? Huh? While one might think that motivation is an innate trait and that willpower is something that is always accessible, these beliefs hold that people consistently practice healthy habits and achieve their goals. Instead, Clear proposes what he calls the Second Law of Behavioral Change. attractiveAs he explains:

“It is the expectation of a rewarding experience that motivates us to act in the first place, so we need to make our habits attractive.”

And that’s where “a strategy known as temptation bondage comes in,” he continues.

image provider Riley Reid

What is temptation bundling?

To illustrate the concept, Clear introduces: Ronan Byrne, an electrical engineering student in Dublin. Like many of us, Byrne said he enjoyed the Netflix binge, but he also wanted to exercise more. So he hooked up his stationary bike to a computer and TV so he could watch Netflix only when he was pedaling at a certain speed. Clear concludes: […] In order to make his exercise habits more attractive, he employs seduction bundling. “

Simply put, the bondage of temptation is when we allow ourselves to do something. favorite what we do only when we do something I do not like it do. As a result, the combination of these behaviors may cause us to start looking forward to doing less desirable habits and tasks. Motivation to do will increase. You need to do In the past, on the other hand, that motive did not exist.

(Note: Many of us who know about the bondage of temptation initially through this term atomic habitsthe term was introduced in 2014 To Catherine MilkmanProfessor James G. Dinan of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)

Image by Michelle Nash

How to Use the Temptation Bundle to Accomplish Your Goals

Obviously, temptation binding can be an effective strategy to use when you need to create motivation to complete a particular task or chore. I listen to podcasts and practice seduction bindings. There are also audiobooks that I really want to hear (This is—download now!). To implement seduction bundling, you can only listen to it while doing household chores or watching your favorite TV shows.

The good news is that this concept and habit-forming strategy can be implemented in just about anything. I teach myself to build solid habits about these things that may have been difficult in the past.

Some examples are:

  • I only get pedicures while reading novels that need to be finished at the book club.
  • Watch only episodes of your favorite shows when you work out on the treadmill.
  • I only scroll through Facebook when I’m at the gym.
  • Play video games only after writing your daily gratitude list.

With this formula, you can easily replace the actions you want to make into a habit. Reflect on your goals and actions that may already feel like rewards.

image by bellacy pictures

Bonus: How to combine the bondage of seduction with the accumulation of habits

Have you heard about stacking habits? It’s a general term used to describe the process of combining the habits you’re already doing with the new behaviors you want to incorporate into your life. By making suggestions, we encourage you to take your efforts to positive behavior change a step further.

he has a ceremony atomic habits:

1. After [CURRENT HABIT]I do [HABIT I NEED]. —> habit stacking

2. After that [HABIT I NEED]I do [HABIT I WANT]. —> Temptation included

For more habit stacks and ideas for achieving your 2023 goals, read Camille’s post on Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions to Achieve Success.

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