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How to Trust God Again after Your Divorce

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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It is very easy to say that we trust God in all things and situations.

We know that we are to “trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and not depend on our own understanding,” as stated in . Proverbs 3:5But life doesn’t always go according to plan. We face many trials and dark and uncertain times.

Especially if the spouse left and refused to come back. When you are forced to be the sole provider and primary caregiver for your child. And when your whole world collapses. I don’t know what will happen next.

This is when suspicion moves. This is when the devil whispers. did i say god really cares for you? Can you really trust him with your future?

Uncertainty about the future is a very real concern for many during and after divorce. What would life look like when you walk?

We often wonder where is god when all this is happening. And why is he allowing my partner to leave or sin against me?

Many times the Bible speaks of the lives of others who live uncertain lives. In my latest book your recovery journeyan eight-week Bible study for divorced women, sharing many stories of my favorite Bible characters.

God wants to tell the story of your recovery too!

Where is God when your marriage falls apart?

The story of a desolate Israeli was one example I shared when wondering where God is when faced with ending an abusive marriage and making their way during and after a divorce.

We’re hoping he’ll come to our rescue and give us back our old lives (for happier times in our marriage), but that’s not always part of his plans.

For the Israelites, he had better plans. Only through this difficult journey could he inherit the promise of God. But they wanted to return to the land and life they knew in Egypt.

They complained because the uncertainty and dependence on God for everything was too great.

“The Lord is good and a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” – Nahum 1:7

Even while the Israelites struggled, God was a constant reminder of His presence in the form of clouds by day and pillars of fire by night (Exodus 13:21).

hebrew phrases Ananei Hakavod (Pronunciation: ah-nah-A-hak-a-vard) means cloud of God or cloud of glory. God was in the clouds, guiding and protecting. Day and night he is near the children. They find his refuge in the clouds.

So if you’re wondering where God is in my situation, look up! He’s right there watching over you. And when things look very dark, remember that God keeps you under his wings (Psalm 91:4).

Can you trust God when you have doubts and uncertainties?

I have written this Bible study so that people of faith can understand that they can stop looking for ways to get faith and learn to accept it as a free gift (Ephesians 2:8).

What is faithFaith is defined as “complete trust or trust in someone or something. A strong belief in a god or religious doctrine based on spiritual understanding rather than on truth.”

In the seven years since our divorce, I have spoken to countless women who say they feel they have lost faith during or after their divorce trial.

They explained that they could not open their Bibles, they were filled with tears, and their hearts were filled with doubt and fear for all they were going through. I don’t think so.

It is a lie from the enemy to persuade you to leave God and your faith.

The truth is that faith can exist simultaneously with doubt. Free to fight!

God still loves those who doubt.

Job knew both pain and anxiety. He even argued with God. He was uncertain about his future and why he was experiencing this destruction in his life, remembering that God was in control. He even worshiped God in sorrow (job 1:20) showed God that he had hope and faith even in his anger and resentment.

Instead of seeing faith as a byproduct of the life you’ve always wanted, understand that faith is the practice of accepting hope when you feel nothing but despair about your situation. Jesus is God’s persuasion to believe in something better in this world.

Better things are coming. That’s the truth about his promise. I have no choice but to believe. There is nothing you can do about it. just accept it.

And when Jesus left this earth and ascended into heaven, he left you a defender walking with you (John 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit reminds us of essential truths about God’s character. Keep Your Promises Even When You’re Divorced.

By listening to your inner guide, you will know that no matter what happens, wherever you go, God will always be with you. He goes before you, he is above you, he watches over you with a protective eye, and he guides your way in you.

Why do I have to go through this pain of divorce?

Finding benefits from the painful experience of divorce can be very difficult. Especially to you, why did God allow this to happen?

As Job found when he asked God, there is no simple answer to this question (job 7:20). But we can look at the rest of God’s Word to understand what consequences God will lead us to.

Joni Airexson Tada in her book god i love“God allows what he hates to accomplish what he likes.”

He doesn’t like divorce. He actually hates what he does to innocent victims. Violence against those who should be protected (Malachi 2:16). But God will protect you and allow it to strengthen your faith in Him.

for I am with you. Because I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will support you with my righteous right hand. ”- Isaiah 41:10

“Don’t worry about anything, but in all circumstances, convey your requests to God with thanksgiving through prayer and petition.” – Philippians 4:6

“Therefore, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, and may God lift you up in time. Take all your worries to him, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

“And we know that in all things God works for good, for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

“Because we live by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

“for I know the plan I have for you, declares the Lord, I know the plan that will make you prosperous and will not harm you, the plan that will give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Throughout the Bible we read without worrying, worrying or fearing the future.

God will lift you up and strengthen you as you persevere. He is your constant helper. God is only asking you to seek Him in prayer and petition. he wants to bring you closer

He promises to settle things permanently. And he sees you all and gives you hope and a future.

you are accepted but not rejected

One of the main reasons divorced people struggle with their faith after divorce is that they feel unloved and unacceptable to God. Rejection may be a human response to divorce (i was abandoned too), but that is not God’s response.

God accepts and loves divorced people.

Through his encounters with the wounded, oppressed, needy, and even sinful, Jesus, the personification of God, showed us that He did not condemn them. He showed them his great compassion and affection.

Whatever the reason, when people cry out to God, He sees them and hears their cry.

Not only does Jesus know the pain of rejection here on earth, but he also knows the woman of the Bible whom I affectionately call the “Fearless Woman of Faith.” In my book, I talk about five notable women who I too can take a step in faith to help them, from my basic needs to my heart’s desires, to trying times. It reminds us that even God can be trusted.

It’s very difficult to pick a favorite, but Hagar, Abraham’s second wife and mother of his first son, deserves attention.

She was a slave whose name meant “resident alien”. After becoming pregnant and being abused by her master, she thought surviving alone in the desert would be easier than staying with that family. ) God” was the desert that gave it the name.

This means that no matter what you’re facing now or post-divorce, God sees you, sees the abuse you’ve endured, sees what you need, sees you wherever you are. It reminds us that we accept

You don’t have to groom yourself for him or remarry for him to accept you. He will walk with you when you are at rock bottom. He hears your cry and comes to your aid. Just like he did the alien slave girl, Hagar.

Your faith will grow stronger through this period of uncertainty, walking with God and taking care of your own needs.

With deep-seated beliefs, you can weather any storm that comes your way. Then you are free to share the same comfort and acceptance that you have felt from God with other wounded and needy people.

You will thrive and shine! It’s a recovery journey after a divorce.

Portions of this article are taken from Jen’s book. Your Recovery Journey: Rediscovering Your Faith and Yourself After DivorcePublished by Surviving + Thriving Ministries, LLC, used with permission.

Photo credit: ©Pexels/Ismael Sanchez

Jen GriceJen Grice Divorce coach and book author. can you survive a divorce When your recovery journey Regarding post-divorce alimony. After her own unwanted divorce in 2013, Jen started a ministry to encourage and empower Christian women to not only survive but also thrive after being divorced for adultery, abuse, or abandonment. have started. For more information on her ministry, please visit: JenGrice.comJen can also be seen on youtube We are talking about narcissist preparation and divorce.and she can find her book at B&N Also on Amazon.

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