Home Relationship Seven Pocket Prayers to Pray Over Your Friends

Seven Pocket Prayers to Pray Over Your Friends

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Proverbs 27:9 It teaches us that there is nothing better than a sweet friendship. They refresh our soul and bring us closer to the Lord. oh! What a blessing it is to have a God who designed us for this special kind of fellowship with other “sisters.”

We all need friends. Proverbs shows us just such a friend. A dear friend you can rely on. A sister who encourages you and pushes you beyond your limits in a positive way. A woman who gently points out your blind spots and supports you to become a better you. Someone who walks by your side, cheers you on during your biggest victories, and cries with you during your deepest and saddest moments. She may not be physically there all the time due to the seasons of life and busy schedules, but you shouldn’t have to wonder what position you’re in with her. You are free to be yourself and know that no criticism exists for her, even if you have many flaws and quirks. Your friendship is based on love and wrapped in grace and forgiveness. You feel honored to share your heart with her and pour it out to her as well.

Many of our friends may face the fight in silence. It’s important to intentionally connect with your friends and share the love of Jesus when you get the chance. The great thing about friendship is that we learn about them, about ourselves, and how much our God loves us. By uplifting these important relationships through prayer, we soften our hearts, become the loving friends we need, and wield our greatest weapon against our enemies. When a kind friend lies in your heart, stop and pray. When you meet a friend for lunch, stop and pray. When you hear about the challenges your friends are facing, stop and pray. We have many precious opportunities to put our hearts at Jesus’ feet and show our friendship before God. If you appear to be unable to speak the language when you appear before God, you are not alone. Cheer up my friend. You don’t have to say the correct prayers or use perfect words. Thankfully, God knows the nature of our hearts.

Below are seven simple (but powerful) pocket prayers with Bible verses. Pray in front of your friends, recite scriptures, and customize to your friends’ needs and desires.

Please pray for her faith.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with humility and an open heart. I humbly request that you step in and boldly declare your unwavering love for my dear friend. Let her open her eyes to see your wonders and immerse yourself in your kindness. Let her rekindle her faith and give her passion and enthusiasm to see you in her life. Amen.

“Because we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Please pray for her family.

God, your family unit design is really great. I pray that you live in the heart of my dear friend’s house. Tell her love and life to her married life. Give her the wisdom and strength to become her mother. You are calling her to mend a fragile relationship that needs your benevolent mending. Amen.

“Who can find a wife of noble character? She is worth far more than Ruby.” Proverbs 31:10

Please pray for her career.

Lord, we are so grateful for all the beautiful roles you have given us as daughters. I hug my dear friend to you and pray that she is able to face a career change and find her healthy work/life balance. Please ignite her passion and use the gifts you gave her to do great things for her. Amen.

“Whatever you do, approach it wholeheartedly as if you were working for the Lord and not for the masters of men.” Colossians 3:23

Please pray for her heart.

Faithful Father, You are the God who calls to our own hearts. You crave a deep relationship with us, and you draw us in through sacred moments. Thank you for your honesty. I pray that you will have such an intimate encounter that my friend will remain still before you. May it inspire her, O God, to rejoice in Thee. Amen.

“Jesus answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37

Please pray for her strength.

Thank you, Jesus, for being the source of our strength and covering our weaknesses with your great power. With a grateful heart, I ask you to intercede for my dear friend who is in dire need of your grace, mercy and wisdom. When she feels abandoned, discouraged and lonely, please be with her and give her the comfort she needs to rely on you. Amen.

“You are my strength, I watch over you, God, you are my stronghold.” Psalm 59:9

Please pray for her suffering.

Lord, You said that we will encounter trials and difficulties in this life. But when you’re going through tough times, it can be hard to see the light in the thick fog of pain. So, in my heart of wanting to comfort my dear friend, I ask that you give her insight on how to comfort her. I pray that You will come near and give her peace in her restless heart and peace in her soul. Amen.

“I have told you these things so that you may have peace in me. In this world you will face difficulties. But be of good cheer! I have won the world.”- John 16:33

Please pray for her hope and healing.

Faithful Father, as your daughters, we want to hold fast to your promises and learn from the hope you give us in the pages of your Word. Help us follow your will and ways, and forgive us for failing you. Her my friend wants her hope and needs healing so you can heal her fragile heart and repair her from within like only you can. I wish you all the best. Offer her her way forward and let her encourage her in the ways that bring her back to you, Lord. I pray this in your precious name. Amen.

“And the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he sins, he will be forgiven.” Jacob 5:15

my prayer for you.

Lord, as I read this, I lift up my friends and cover them in prayer and encourage my sweet sisters who are striving to shower them with Scripture. I pray that you will capture her heart and, first and foremost, remind her of your incredible love for her. She blesses her friendship and brings them closer together while allowing them to get closer to you. Place kind friends in her life to nurture her faith, enrich her family, and encourage her to use her gifts to glorify You. If she finds herself falling into her loneliness season, rely on you alone for that time to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships with her spouse, her children, or her next of kin. Get her ready as you can. Thank you very much. You give us friends to spend this life with. you are a very good father May we please you with sweet friendship. Amen.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Zorica Nastasic

Click here for more verses about healing.

Alicia SearleAlicia Searle She is a devout author, blogger, and speaker who is passionate about venting her heart and bringing women of all ages to Jesus. She is well educated and has a master’s degree in reading and writing. Her loved ones call her Mama. So much of her time is spent cheering them on at softball games and dance classes. She’s married to her crush, a tall, spiky-haired blonde who can make a mean latte. She writes her own heart on the page while sipping her deliciousness as her puppy licks her paws.visit her website Alicia Earl.com Connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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