Home Relationship Six Things I Want My Daughters to Know

Six Things I Want My Daughters to Know

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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With three daughters of varying ages, each with their own make-up, personality, and skills, the emotional energy in our home is high and pretty colorful. But don’t get me wrong. I love being a “girl mom”. God slowly worked his way into my mind, giving me a new perspective with each new season. Thankfully, over time, not only have I grown and accepted this role, but I can say that I really appreciate it.

Still, I have to admit that I still have a lot to learn. My actions don’t necessarily show my love for them, especially when my words fall short, creating distance and tension. Ha. We long to have a special bond with them, but we often run into highs and lows because we know our relationship is naturally fragile.

As I scroll through endless pictures on my phone to relive the past, I find them growing before my eyes. One look at the older child makes us realize how quickly time flies away from us and wonders how we should capture this moment. I found myself asking, How can I imprint the truth on their hearts before they leave and leave their mark on this world?

Maybe you wish you could stop time and put precious truths in your daughter’s heart pocket. Oh my friend, you are not alone. Perhaps together we will speak the truth to the hearts of our beloved daughters, slowly (and tearfully) releasing them into a world that desperately needs their shining light.

So when you’re sitting in her bed at night and she tries to spill the tea on you during the day, share your heart. While you’re driving, casually tell her the truth when she’s familiar with her social life. When you’re having dinner, buying a new dress, curling her hair, or just having spontaneous moments where she’s receptive and listening. , tell her girlfriend and tell her girlfriend…

1. You are so loved

“I loved you as my father loved me. Stay in my love now.” John 15:9

Dear child, you are entering a dark season in which you may forget your worth. You may even feel unloved. People hurt or disappoint you and make you feel discarded or forgotten. When people try to disappoint you, know that Jesus will never let you down. His love for you is indescribable. You can always count on God! There is nothing you can do to stop God from loving you. And you know, dear daughter, the same is true for me. No matter what, I will always love you.

2. You have a purpose

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘a plan to prosper you, not to harm you, but to give you hope and a future.’ It is a plan to give Jeremiah 29:11

Unfortunately, our plans don’t always work out. We can pray about them, we can talk nauseatingly about them, we can hope, we can dream of our heartfelt wishes, but sometimes that’s not what God wants us to do. Remember, God’s plan is always better. They may be meaningless, even frustrating and painful, but God’s will and ways are always for our own good. Remember, God’s timing is perfect. His ways are perfect and all you need to pray for is His will for you. Let God guide your dreams, hopes and desires and watch what He does.


“Trust the Lord with all your heart, do not rely on your own understanding. Submit to God in all things, and He will make your ways straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Every choice you make (big or small) has some impact on your life. You choose to play sports from the friends you allow in life. Sometimes it’s a good choice, sometimes it’s not. The decision will come with guilt and shame. Ultimately, you may end up believing things that aren’t true. This is where we must tune in to discerning the gravitational pull of the Holy Spirit. Think and stop before making a decision. Most importantly, allow God to guide you on the right path and trust Him with every decision you make.

4. It’s okay to fail… but it’s okay

“So do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ” Isaiah 41:10

It may sound hard to hear, but it will screw you up and mess you up. You will be making decisions that go against the foundations set in front of you. You know and feel it, but you may still choose to do so. This will break your heart. You may get angry or upset. But the truth is, you may fall and you may fail, but you shouldn’t stay there. You always have the option to stand up and take ownership of your choices with grace and dignity. The point is, you may fail, but you don’t have to lose. Grace, forgiveness, and freedom come by letting go and giving it to God.

5. Your beauty shines from within

“Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting. But a woman who fears the Lord is to be admired.” Proverbs 31:30

We get caught up in the world’s beauty standards, especially since they’re plastered everywhere and you can easily find them by scrolling through your phone. Not to mention that you quickly fall into the comparison trap, noticing a pretty girl at school or focusing on a celebrity and her traits and wondering if you can somehow achieve the same thing. Pinterest may offer a lot of information on how to have beautiful eyes or clear skin, but that’s not the type of beauty you should pursue. Don’t be fooled, you’ll run out someday! Beauty is found in girls who take care of themselves. A person who shows compassion and kindness to others. One that embraces femininity and modestly respects one’s body. Someone who cares about you from the inside out. You are a very beautiful and kind girl, always remember that!

6. You are meant to stand apart

“Don’t follow the patterns of the world, but change by renewing your mind, so that you can test and approve what God’s will is—the good, joyful and perfect will of God. will be able to Romans 12:2

The world is so noisy! Your fragile mind is full of lies. I declare against God and His Word. If you’re not sure if it’s right or wrong, join a Bible study to quiet your mind, seek fellowship, and seek out a mentor who will walk beside you and guide you. You were never meant to be part of this world or follow its radical ways. Rather, you were made to be distinguished! You were bought with money and can serve a worthy purpose. Then your life will look and feel different, and it should. Do not be afraid to stand alone and stand up for what is noble, true, good and just. Seek God and His will first. From there, let your love for God shine through just as you love others.

prayer for daughters

faithful father,
Thank you for the precious gifts from each of my daughters. Be with each of us as we grow in our relationship with you and bond with each other. As their mother, guide me to offer sound wisdom with strong convictions and to do it with kindness and compassion.

Lord, I ask You to stay by my side until my daughters grow into the women You seek. Imprint in their hearts the unwavering love you have for them. Let them seek Your will and your way, offer them discernment, and remind them of who they are in You alone. Give them the passion to live boldly for you and always remember who you are as your beloved daughter. Amen.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/IvanJekic

Alicia SearleAlicia Searle She is a devout author, blogger, and speaker who is passionate about venting her heart and bringing women of all ages to Jesus. She is well educated and has a master’s degree in reading and writing. Her loved ones call her Mama. So much of her time is spent cheering them on at softball games and dance classes. She’s married to her crush, a tall, spiky-haired blonde who can make a mean latte. She writes her own heart on the page while sipping her deliciousness as her puppy licks her paws.visit her website Alicia Earl.com Connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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