Home Lifestyle What’s Everyone’s Sleep Routine? | Cup of Jo

What’s Everyone’s Sleep Routine? | Cup of Jo

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Joanna Goddard bedroom

Joanna Goddard bedroom

What does your sleep routine look like? Until college, I thought everyone followed basically the same discipline. When the clock strikes 10 p.m., put on your pajamas, turn off the lights, and crash. But once I had a roommate, I realized how peculiar my bedtime ritual was. A friend likes to sleep in jeans (Jeans!!!).Now she’s one true night owl and can’t pass out until 2am Her third listens to basketball players Scottie Pippen’s deep voice while drifting.

So, just for fun, we asked our CoJ team to share how to prepare for a good night’s sleep. Here’s what they said…

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Joanna GoddardEditor
Bedtime: 10:30 pm
Two words for how you feel when you’re getting ready for bed: talkative children. My sons are (strategically) talkative when we approach the bed, but the joke is on them because I like to hear their thoughts pouring out.
Currently reading: Demon CopperheadHe’s an incredible character — just think holden caulfield Stories fly if he grew up without parents in the mountains of Appalachia.
Favorite sleeping companion: marlow pillow, always and forever. This perfect pillow uses memory foam with a cooling effect to help you sleep deeper. You can adjust the squeeze and softness to your liking, so you won’t wake up with a sore neck. I love them so much I bought Marlowe for every bed in my apartment and gave my mom and sister one for Christmas. (Bonus for CoJ readers: Marlow is offering up to 30% off 4 or more pillows, plus an additional 20% off, through March 20th. No code required. )

toddler sleeping in bed

Janelle Sanchezco-editor
Bedtime: At 9 p.m., I always woke up early — I was the first kid to fall asleep at the sleepover. Thankfully, I also married a man who goes to bed early.
Two words for how you feel when you’re getting ready for bed: yes.
How did you know you found “the one”: One evening when we first started dating, we were hanging out at Max’s house watching TV. We were having a good time, but as soon as the clock struck 10pm, he turned and said, i have to go to bed I was frustrated and ecstatic to find someone on my bedtime wavelength.
Favorite sleeping companion: my daughters white noise machineAs soon as you turn on that baby your shoulders drop.

Jenny Rosenstruck's dog

Jenny Rosenstrukfood columnist
Bedtime: It’s about 9:30 PM, but I don’t turn off the lights until an hour later.
Two words for how you feel when you’re getting ready for bed: mini vacation. Climbing into bed is my favorite time of the day. There’s a dedicated space for reading actual books because it’s not Twitter, it’s not news, it’s not scrollable or backlit.
The perfect magazine to read before bed. New Yorker profile.i loved Nobody has my state, but I, the author’s personal essay on a unique genetic disorder. It was charming.
Favorite sleeping companion: My dog ​​— but only if my husband allows it, usually not (they wake him up).and Lip balm Worn at bedtime.

Luckily: A Personal History with a Fairy Tale

Kaitlyn TearContributing Editor
Bedtime: 8:30 pm
Two words for how you feel when you’re getting ready for bed: Unreasonable expectations. But I always look sideways at the baby monitor and hope everyone gets a good night’s sleep.
The Greatest Dream: I once had a dream that I was pregnant. Then I woke up, took a pregnancy test, and it was positive. When I’m pregnant, my dreams can be eerily accurate.
Currently reading: Luckily: A Personal History with a Fairy Talea wonderful memoir about motherhood and fables.

What do you do to calm yourself down for the night? Do you need any tools, or do you swear on the ritual? We’d love to hear from you.

PS Couples who sleep in separate bedrooms and bedtime anxiety tricks.

(Top photo and Jenny photo courtesy Christine Han For Cup of Joe.Anton’s photo Heather Moore for Cup of Joe)

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