Home Lifestyle Wondering How to Have Fun? Meet Your Ultimate Guide

Wondering How to Have Fun? Meet Your Ultimate Guide

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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I’m sure you’re saying something For the last three years, one of my New Year’s resolutions has been to have more fun. Ok, not just for more fun… but learning how to enjoy Like the classic Enneagram 3, my fierce work ethic sometimes conflicts with my psyche. The ultimate goal of living life to the fullest. So, every January 1st, when I write in my journal how I want to spend the next year, I always write a version like this: “Have more fun, laugh more, play more”

In the plan of things, the start of 2023 is far behind us. We have skipped winter and are on the brink of spring. Definitely the best time of the year. There is hope and the promise of warm and bright days to come. But more often than not, the excitement of our determination is delayed by months, slowing our momentum. And it may seem impossible to regain the same motivation you once felt.

I’ve always distorted more seriously. When you’re in the zone with a goal in mind, it’s hard to look outside of a carefully crafted plan of action. When I’m on a long hike or at the beach, it’s easy to flow into my headspace about enjoying life rather than checking things off my to-do list Yes, natural beauty tends to awaken many of our spirits. But I think it has something to do with the fact that interruptions in the flow of life make us feel more alive.

Featured image from an interview with Olivia Muniak by Michelle Nash.

Image by Michelle Nash

How to enjoy life starting today

I started 2023 by downloading a new book with the appropriate title The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again. Author, Catherine Price ( Other Favorites) begins by breaking down the definition of “real fun”.After all, a lot of what we might be able to do is idea It’s fun, but upon further investigation, it’s ultimately unsatisfying. She categorizes things like binge-watching shows and scrolling through her social media as “fake fun.”

“Fake Fun is numbing and empty when it’s over. True fun leaves us feeling nourished and refreshed.”

I believe that even when serious things are happening in the world around us, we can express empathy and compassion while at the same time welcoming play and laughter into our days. Inspired by reading and my experiences, this is how I learn to enjoy the small, everyday moments that bring wonder and excitement into my life.

image provider Emma Bassil

fun is a mindset

Let’s use an example that most of us encounter every day: Cooking dinner. On a Tuesday night there are two women cooking the exact same dinner. Let’s say lasagna. One of them, while pondering the day’s work issues, realized that she was half-minded about what she was doing and chose a recipe that called for multiple layers of noodles/cheese/sauce. You are cursing yourself. … which is a little too much for Tuesday.

other women? She stands barefoot in the kitchen with music playing and enjoying her favorite things. Maybe she’s enlisting her family to help her layer, maybe because she’s pouring wine in a glass and getting a feel for her doing what she loves on Tuesday nights prize. Same situation, totally different experience.

Or think about the simple act of having a conversation with a stranger, family member or friend. This is what we do all the time.Boring conversations and “jokes” or make out? It all depends on how we choose it.

Image by Michelle Nash

True fun is playfulness, connection and flow

In his book, Price lists three qualities that must be present in order to be experienced. truth The joys of our lives: playfulness, connection and flow. A playful person is an easy-going, free spirit who is fully engaged in what they do without thinking too much about their daily responsibilities.

“When people are playful, they shine.”

Connection is about sharing experiences with other people and things. It could be nature, a favorite activity (such as painting), an animal, or a connection with another person. It happens when a person is “together with someone while feeling completely himself.”

and Flow is a term that describes the feeling of being so completely immersed in the present experience that you lose track of time. It’s a feeling of getting lost no matter what you do.

If having more fun is my goal, I can look for experiences that include all three of these qualities, or find ways to infuse more of each into my daily life.when playfulness, connection, and flow We get the magic of true fun.

Image by Michelle Nash

Embrace the idea of ​​unconditional fun

My definition of unconditional fun is: You don’t have to wait until you can enjoy things. It doesn’t depend on what is happening around us. Rather, it is an internal energy shift. In other words, it’s a way to move around the world with less dependence on external circumstances. Imagine someone who is always happy. (Drew Barrymore, anyone?) Magnetic, right? I was looking for small moments of joy that can be found even on imperfect days. Everything comes to life when I am attentive and attentive.

Image by Michelle Nash

break the script and have more fun

A few years ago, I read a book called a book and fell in love with it. power of the momentIt’s about how you can create more memories and special moments in your life. The idea is to turn off autopilot and make everyday moments more enjoyable by doing something unexpected.

A “script moment” I’ve been adopting lately:

  • After dinner, I take a walk around the neighborhood with my family without turning on the TV.
  • Take a bath while listening to a great podcast on your headphones.
  • Notice what you love about someone in your life and tell them.
  • Excluding that Looking My kids play dodgeball, jump in, and play together. (This also happens to be an incredible workout.)
  • Make fancy cocktails (or mocktails!) for the weekend.
  • Do something you’ve never done before. I’ve been wanting to try rock climbing.
  • Make a new recipe.
  • Read poetry instead of non-fiction.
  • Look for opportunities for random acts of kindness. Trust me, they are everywhere.
  • When the children go to bed in their pajamas, announce that you will buy ice cream.
  • Buy yourself flowers and splurge on peonies.
  • Wake up early for morning meditation in the backyard. There’s something about watching the sunrise that changes my day.
image provider Thiel Thomsen

Spontaneity is the spice of life

I also learned power of the moment Novel experiences seem to slow down time and imprint memories in our brains. Instead of ticking “water the plants” off my to-do list, I was watching tiny feathers of hummingbirds and earthworms burrowing into the soil. I will never forget my mother occasionally announcing, “Banana split for dinner!” Granted, it wasn’t healthy per se, but the spontaneity of those nights nourished my spirit in a way broccoli never had.

life is short I’m ready to play

Instead of seeing the unknown and uncertainty in our lives as ‘stress’, could we reframe them as opportunities to get in touch with our inner child who lives every day? I couldn’t, but there are a lot of things I can’t plan for right now.

So be fully engaged with life. Smile generously, laugh lightheartedly, look for opportunities to have fun, and interrupt your daily routine. life is short I’m ready to play

This post was originally published on March 8, 2022 and has since been updated.

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