Home Lifestyle 15 Signs You’re Probably Magnesium Deficient

15 Signs You’re Probably Magnesium Deficient

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Most of us know that vitamins C and D support the immune system and calcium strengthens bones.But few people know the importance of getting enough magnesium our health. This means many of us miss important health information.

Read on to discover why magnesium is one of the most important minerals you can’t get enough of.

What is Magnesium?

The 4th The most abundant mineral in the human body, Magnesium (Mg) is a nutrient that is required in relatively large amounts to maintain good health.

Incredibly, it It is responsible for over 300 biochemical processes that keep our cells and systems running smoothly.

Some important processes that require magnesium include (1):

  • Protein and DNA synthesis
  • blood sugar regulation
  • maintenance of blood pressure
  • keep heart rhythm steady
  • Maintaining muscle and nerve function
  • Helps absorb other minerals
  • Balances calcium, potassium and sodium levels
  • keep bones strong
  • detoxification

Dr. Norman Shealy, the world’s leading expert in stress and pain management, said:

A 2018 study found that nearly 50% of the US population is magnesium deficient.oOther estimates put the number likely closer to 80% (2).

So why aren’t more doctors telling us to increase our magnesium intake?

Magnesium deficiency (hypomagnesemia) is a common problem that often goes undetected in clinical practice because most health care professionals are not trained to recognize the various causes of magnesium deficiency (3).

Testing for deficiency can be even more difficult. Only 1% of magnesium is present in the bloodstream and 99% is found in other tissues, including bone.blood magnesium Levels can be tested within the normal range even if levels in the rest of the body are low or there is a true deficiency (Four).

The jury says magnesium is a nutrient we all need more of. And you may be magnesium deficient and not even realize it.

Below are the main signs and symptoms that you need more magnesium in your diet.

1. Leg cramps, involuntary muscle or eye twitches

Have you ever wondered why all of a sudden your leg cramps won’t go away, or your eye twitches won’t stop? Magnesium plays a major role in healthy neuromuscular signaling and muscle contraction, so a deficiency can lead to these types of muscle abnormalities (Five).

Restless leg syndrome is another warning sign of magnesium deficiency. To overcome leg cramps, muscle pain, and restless legs syndrome, you need to increase your intake of both magnesium and potassium (6).

It also causes muscle pain and tension. Taking magnesium can help relieve aches and pains by alkalinizing the body and helping to maintain healthy pH levels (7).

2. Take a Calcium-Only Supplement

For years, you’ve heard the phrase, “Get your calcium right!” However, if you are taking calcium supplements without magnesium, you may be contributing to a magnesium deficiency.

Studies have shown that taking calcium alone may reduce the amount of magnesium absorbed (8).

Also, the presence of magnesium is necessary for calcium to be absorbed into bone (9). When that alone is insufficient, calcium supplementation alone has been associated with diseases such as arterial calcification, also known as arteriosclerosis (Ten).

Increasing your daily intake of magnesium can actually improve how your body uses calcium and can help prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.

4. I have trouble sleeping or have insomnia

You can’t perform at your best if you don’t get a solid six to eight hours of sleep.Poor sleep quality may be a sign of magnesium deficiency and can even lead to insomnia, Anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness.

One study found that taking magnesium before bed improved sleep quality (11).

5. Your life is stressful

Life can be stressful and there is no getting around it. Also, both emotional and physical stress can cause magnesium deficiency. Surgery, chronic illness, medications, and traumatic life events can also have an impact.

When you’re stressed, your body needs more magnesium than normal. Low magnesium levels can also increase the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol (12).

Getting adequate amounts of magnesium can help you feel calm and soothed.

6. Suffering from anxiety or panic attacks

Panic and anxiety symptoms are the worst. Also, magnesium has a calming effect on the central nervous system, so low levels of magnesium can cause hypersensitivity and nervousness.

Continually low magnesium levels predispose to high levels of anxiety, depression and panic attacks (13)Supplementing with magnesium has been shown to help promote calmness while relaxing muscles and improving mood.

7. have high blood pressure or heart disease

Magnesium works with calcium to support healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

High blood pressure or hypertension can be a sign of magnesium and calcium deficiency (14). High blood pressure is responsible for 50% of all ischemic strokes, so it is best to practice preventive medicine and take magnesium (15).

Research published in of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a magnesium-rich diet may reduce the risk of stroke (16).

Another 2017 study tested the effectiveness of magnesium supplements for heart disease patients and found that heart disease patients who took magnesium twice daily for six months had improved strength and healthier blood vessels. got it (17).

8. I have an upset stomach

Gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS, celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease can interfere with the absorption of healthy amounts of nutrients, including magnesium (18).

9. You can’t shake your tired mind

If your steps seem somewhat lethargic, magnesium deficiency may be your problem. Magnesium plays a major role in how the body produces cellular energy (19).

The main energy source in the body is ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which must bind to magnesium ions in order to become biologically active. (20)If your body’s ATP is finding it difficult to partner with magnesium, it may leave you exhausted and exhausted.

10. Migraines

Migraines can be debilitating. People who suffer from migraines usually have lower tissue and serum magnesium levels compared to those who do not.twenty one).

One study showed that daily supplementation with 360-600 milligrams of magnesium reduced migraine frequency by up to 42% (twenty two).

11. Suffering from PMS

Studies show that women with PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms have low magnesium levels than those without PMS.

Magnesium deficiency is also associated with a variety of other women’s health issues, such as hormonal imbalance, bone disorders, cramps, low energy, migraines, and mood swings (twenty three).

12. Taking prescription or over-the-counter medications

Certain medications, such as diuretics, asthma medications, oral contraceptives, estrogen replacement therapy, or heart pills, can reduce the amount of magnesium your body absorbs and increase the amount flushed from your body (twenty four).

13. Drink caffeine or alcoholic beverages regularly

Drinking coffee, tea, and soda regularly increases the risk of magnesium deficiency (twenty five). Caffeine causes the kidneys to release extra magnesium even if you are deficient.

In addition to caffeine, dark sodas contain phosphates. This is a chemical that binds with magnesium and prevents it from being absorbed by the body.

14. Prediabetes or type II diabetes

Magnesium plays an important role in how the body metabolizes sugars. Magnesium aids in insulin activation and release and maintains healthy blood sugar levels (26). Magnesium deficiency is not only a symptom, but also a cause of type II diabetes.

A diet rich in magnesium has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. A recent study found that adding just 100 milligrams of magnesium per day was associated with a 15% lower risk of diabetes (27)!

15. Diagnosed with osteoporosis

The older you get, the higher your risk of magnesium deficiency. Biological trace element research Supplementing with magnesium “significantly” slowed the onset of osteoporosis after just 30 days (28).

Combining magnesium with vitamins D3 and K2 helps support the natural building of bone density, even if you already have osteoporosis.

How to Get Enough Magnesium

If you want to add magnesium-rich foods to your diet, these include:

  • Legumes (black soybeans, black soybeans, etc.)
  • Nuts (pumpkin seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, cashews, pecans)
  • Whole grains such as brown rice and whole grain bread (buckwheat, wild rice, brown rice)
  • green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard, artichoke)
  • halibut
  • molasses
  • dark chocolate

However, nutrition experts agree that it is very difficult to get all the magnesium we need through diet alone. Food processing has removed magnesium and other nutrients from foods.

Recent reports indicate that magnesium content in vegetables has decreased by 25-80% over the last century. And the grain processing methods for making bread and pasta are even worse. 80-95% of total magnesium can be removed (29).

The evidence is clear. Most of us don’t eat enough magnesium.

About 400 mg for adult men per day Women should take about 300 milligrams every day.

Poor food choices combined with a general food supply low in magnesium have led medical experts to recommend magnesium supplementation to ensure your needs are met.

Highly recommended if you are looking for essential magnesium boost bone health+™ from Flora Health.

It’s an easy-to-digest liquid solution that’s actually quite palatable and gives you 100mg of absorbable magnesium per serving.

Bone health is also:

  • No Alcohol, No Artificial Additives, No Preservatives
  • Gluten and Wheat Free
  • Dairy & Lactose Free
  • not genetically modified
  • Kosher
  • vegetarian

It also comes with a small measuring cup so you can decide if you want more or less. Drink it straight or mix it into your morning juice or smoothie. Either way, I feel great.

Want to boost your magnesium levels and watch your health blossom?

visit Flora Health.com For more information, recipes, health tips, or to order bone health To give your body a magnesium boost.

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