We were born to live in community and to overcome the ups and downs together. No one likes to be overlooked. Even the most introverted, living off the grid, sitting sweating and reading a book, need human connection. When others don’t notice us, it can drain us emotionally.
When I told my husband I was writing this article, he rolled his eyes and asked me if I was feeling overlooked. asked. My response, along with the typical Southern woman mean mug, was, “No. It’s not about you all the time.” We have been married for 17 years. what can I say? I have described several times in my life that I have been overlooked, overlooked, or overlooked in different relationship areas. Other things are just part of life.
The great thing about life’s trials is that they drive compassion deep in your blood. You can hold them warmly, sit with them, and listen. It gives you another perspective, a more knee-jerk, humble level.
Whether you’ve been overlooked by friendships, relationships, sports, careers, or especially by church, take comfort in the fact that Jesus never neglected you. Friends, I know we’re not sitting on the same couch, but think of this as my giant teddy bear hug. I know.
1. God sees you when no one sees
Among the many names of God, which expresses the perfect nature of God, El Roy one of the most comfortable. It means “God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13). You may feel invisible, but know that God is watching you. Hagar is the biblical woman who attributed this name to God, and she is the only person who mentions God’s name in the Bible. She was pregnant when the angel of her Lord visited her, and she was alone in the wilderness, fleeing from her Sarah’s cruelty and her jealousy (Genesis 16). My friends, there is no place on earth where you can escape the presence of a merciful God.
2. God Hears You When No One Is Listening
I love how the Bible uses a variety of names to describe the perfect harmony of God’s nature and gives meaning to most of the biblical characters’ names. Faithgateway article Explain the meaning of the names of biblical characters. “Many biblical accounts explain the meaning of a person’s name, and those names were important to who those individuals were or ought to be. In Jewish tradition, The child’s name was revealed in the same ceremony in which he was circumcised.”
Continuing Hagar’s story, the angel of the Lord says: Genesis 16:10 May the Lord increase her descendants beyond number. “The angel of the Lord also said to her: ‘You are pregnant now. You will bear a son. You shall name him Ishmael. The Lord has heard of your misery.'” (Genesis 16:11).
Combining the story with the meaning of the characters’ names paints the most beautiful picture for those of us who have been neglected or abused. Giving her extensive lineage through her son, Ishmael, whose name means ‘God hears’. Sister, God sees you, hears your voice, and knows the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7).
3. God will always love you
In my prayer journal, I have a box that says, “Lord, tell me…” I often ask the Lord to teach me to love unconditionally. Especially when I’m hurt, there are days when it’s hard to love without conditions or judgments, but I’ll do my best. We are all a work in progress, but God is always the same (Hebrews 13:8).his love for us and our love for him Agape In Greek, it is the highest form of love.
To know that God never changes and that God is love (1 John 4:7-8), we can agree that God will always love His children, even if we don’t deserve them. They sent it to me.
“God loved the world so much that he gave his only son. That is so that those who believe in his only son should not perish but have eternal life.”John 3:16NIV)
4. God always has a perfect purpose for you
The most notable story in the Bible of someone overlooked is King David. As children, we listen to David’s reels, the highlight of his life. Like when David defeated Goliath with nothing but a stone and a sling. But before he became king, David was born a shepherd boy. His father, Jesse, didn’t remember calling him into the lineup when Samuel came to anoint David as king.An overlooked story! But God appointed this humble shepherd boy for a great purpose. We may not be destined for earthly royalty or fame, but God handpicked us to play a unique role in His kingdom.
5. God wants to hear you
All my life, I’ve missed opportunities to work and write. I have been overlooked by my peers, boys and church. These events tore my heart out when I was young. As I matured, I realized that God often opens and closes doors because he has something better in store or to protect me from harm. but I’ve come to trust his plans even when I don’t understand them (Proverbs 3:5-6).
In some of the loneliest days and nights like that, all I could hear and wanted to hear from me was God. Sometimes he answered with an overwhelming sense of relief to help me get through the next day. But there’s a prayer he answered over the phone shortly after the “Amen” left my tongue.
It was New Year’s Eve and I was 16 when I felt like I didn’t look like a boy. Alone in my room, crying and depressed, I asked God to send me my soulmate. invited me to a party. At that party, I met a new boy who made me forget about the crush who called me. We have been together since New Year’s Eve this year and he has been with me for 23 years and I have never felt overlooked by him.
My friends, prayers are not always answered immediately or as we would like, but God’s plan is in place only for your prosperity. keep talking to
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Darcy Fuqua Business analyst, Auburn Grad (War Eagle!), Christian blogger, podcast host, and mental health advocate. She hails from the southernmost tip of Alabama and now lives with her husband, her two energetic and fun-loving boys, and a dog named Charlie.She loves sinking her toes in the sand, cuddling with her sons, and having great conversations over the table of delicious food.You can read more of her writing on her website. www.leightonlane.com and connect with her Facebook When InstagramCheck out Darcie’s latest project as co-host treatment at 10.