Home Relationship 5 Prayers for Friends and Family Who Are Hard to Love

5 Prayers for Friends and Family Who Are Hard to Love

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Forgiveness is the ultimate way to love a friend or family member who is difficult to love.

Like Peter, we know that it is important for Jesus’ followers to give forgiveness (Matthew 18:21). Perhaps like Peter, we believe we should set a limit on how many times we can forgive someone. Still, Jesus told Peter that his tolerance for others should be unlimited.

Jesus explained that because God has forgiven us, we must also forgive others. If we know God’s forgiveness, we know that we must extend forgiveness to those who have offended us. increase(1 Corinthians 13:5).

Pray as Jesus taught us.Matthew 6:12).

Heavenly Father

I have to admit that there are people in my life that are hard to forgive. They hurt me, mistreated me, and abused me. I don’t think they deserve to be forgiven. But Lord, I know that You are a just and kind Judge. Give me the power to forgive through your Holy Spirit.


Five. Pray to express love through your actions

1 Corinthians lists the expressions of love as follows: Love is not jealous, boastful, proud or disrespectful. It doesn’t claim its own method. No irritation and no record of being treated unfairly. Instead of rejoicing in injustice, we rejoice whenever truth wins.love never gives up, never loses faithalways have hope and endure every situation” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

It seems impossible to love in this way.But these attributes fruit of the spirit of Galatians 5:22pray for the Holy Spirit to pour love into your heart.

Replace him/her with the name of the person that comes to your mind when you recite this prayer.

Heavenly Father

Please forgive my impatience with him/her. Help her show her patience.

Please forgive me for being unkind to him/her. Please give me another chance to show you kindness.

Forgive him/her for being jealous. Help express her admiration instead.

Forgive me for being arrogant towards him/her. Give me a spirit of humility.

Please forgive him/her for being rude. Please teach me to respect her.

Please give me the opportunity to put him/her first where I have requested my way.

When I judge him/her, please tell me how to give him/her a fresh start.

I ask all these things through the power of your Holy Spirit and the love you have shown me through your Son Jesus.


When we try to obey God’s commands to love friends and family members who are difficult to love, we do not do this ourselves, but rather with the power of the Holy Spirit given to us through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Don’t forget to do it through .

Gerald L. Borchert John 12-twenty one,roll. 25B, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2002), 100.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/fizkes

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