Home Relationship Does the Bible Mention Soulmates?

Does the Bible Mention Soulmates?

by TodayDigitNews@gmail.com
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Can you feel the love in the air? It’s that time of year again when a special holiday for an infamous lover graces our calendars. You might draw a bright red circle on February 14th in anticipation of a romantic date with your sweetheart. Perhaps your current relationship status looks like a sweaty night with Rocky Road alone on the couch. , most of us are trying to find our true love, what we call our soulmate.

Soulmate is one of the words beautified, beautified, beautified. I wonder if such mysterious love is so far away, or is it just reserved for the big screen scenes.

Is it conceivable?Can our soul find a match among most 8 billion Earthling?

Seeing couples celebrating their wedding anniversary makes this seemingly impossible a reality. The aging bride and groom look at each other in awe as they cut the cake, just as they did 50 years ago. Their matching lovestruck grins trapped in a time capsule of sorts. And that is beautiful. If something ignites that little flame that stirs up the longing to experience that kind of love, it gives us hope.

how did they do that? How did they defy the odds of the current divorce rate in the US? 50 percentIs it possible they’ve found a soulmate, the one and only person who rocks their souls?

What exactly is a soulmate?

of Merriam-Webster Dictionary A soulmate is defined as someone who is very similar to another person in their attitudes and beliefs. I’ve heard soulmates described in many different ways, but all the descriptions revolve around the two of them having a strong similarity and attraction to each other. They share a deep spiritual connection and are comrades.

Where did the term “soulmate” originate?

Articles about pedestrian crossing It explains the origin of soulmates as follows: in his writings, symposium, he taught that men and women were made in one body and separated by the gods. defined as having power. However, the Greek god Zeus feared that humans possessed too much power and strength. Sentencing us to roam the earth for the rest of our lives in search of our lost half, our soulmate. “

in the symposiumPlato quotes the poet Aristophanes to describe the divine moment when two soul mates meet. When the two meet, the two are lost in the amazement of love, friendship, and intimacy, and, as I might say, a moment.”

It is wonderful. So not a whole angry and jealous god who cuts us in half, but a once-in-a-lifetime reunion! I think it will be

what does the bible say

Does the Bible explain this phenomenon of catching the perfect fish out of the sea? Does the word “soulmate” appear in the Bible?

Unfortunately, no. Like many other terms, “soulmate” is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in his 66 books of the canonized Bible. There is no instruction manual for finding the other half of our soul. But before you get your hopes up, remember that the Bible is definitely about love. After all, God is love (1 John 4:8). The Bible is not just a love story written for you. It consists of many love stories that teach us extensively about marriage. God’s goal is for romantic love, with all its potential pain and depravity, to become the arena of enjoyment for His redeemed people.

Song of Songs (Solomon)

Perhaps the most notable book in the Bible that describes intimate love and the connection between two souls is The Song of Solomon. Songs of Solomon contains beautiful and sensual poems that express the romantic love between young shepherds and young shepherds in ancient Israel. The setting is a rural landscape lush with flowers and fruit, including vineyards, where the wedding takes place. (Song of Solomon 3:1).


We Witness the First Betrothed Couple Literally Handcrafted by God Genesis 2:7 When God takes the dust and breathes life into Adam. He knew the man needed help to stand by his side, so he wasn’t done. I made a companion(Genesis 2:21-22). Essentially, Eve was half of him.

This is finally bone of my bones and meat of my flesh. She was taken out of a man, so she will be called a woman.”Genesis 23ESV).

Some call Adam and Eve their first soul mates. After all, they were perfect matches made by the master his matchmaker.Ann article of New Yorker In Michelangelo’s representation, as in the Bible, the first man sleeps through the miraculous creation of his soul mate, the first woman, and the final mother of mankind.

the bible ends with marriage

I understand the reality of failed marriages in today’s times and the devastating impact these failures have on our families. was raised by a single mother. But I want to encourage you to open your heart to Jesus and keep Him first. As a believer, you can experience the overwhelming and undeserved love of Jesus today, tomorrow, and forever. Whether we find true love on this side of eternity or not, we have many reasons to celebrate as a church. Christ will return to marry his bride (Revelation 19:6-10).

It is possible to develop deep spiritual connections, friendships and loving relationships with another soul. And I hope that you will experience a marriage like this. I know this because God has blessed me with this kind of marriage. It’s not always easy and it’s far from perfect, but “we” are always worth it at the end of each day.

I’m a silent praying girl so I don’t share too many prayers. But I love sharing beautiful testimonies of what Jesus has done in my life. On New Year’s Eve 1999, I prayed to see my soulmate soon. Yes, I just used the word “soulmate”. Maybe I was just a hopeless, hormone-stimulated 16-year-old romantic, but desperate to find someone who could look at me and love me for exactly who I am. That night I met Match, and that prayer must have called Heaven. Twenty-three years, two sons, many ups and downs, but we are still best friends. , it’s only him that shakes my soul.

Photo credit: ©Benita Elizabeth Vivin/Unsplash

Darcy Fukua headshotDarcy Fuqua Business analyst, Auburn Grad (War Eagle!), Christian blogger, podcast host, and mental health advocate. She hails from the southernmost tip of Alabama and now lives with her husband, her two energetic and fun-loving boys, and a dog named Charlie.She loves sinking her toes in the sand, cuddling with her sons, and having great conversations over the table of delicious food.You can read more of her writing on her website. www.leightonlane.com and connect with her Facebook and InstagramCheck out Darcie’s latest project as co-host treatment at 10.

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